Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Trust in...

This one I would have to say is hard for me.  When I was younger I was a bit of an outcast.  Part of that is I believed that if I didn't put my trust in anyone then they would not hurt me. Remember those times when you ask someone to keep your secret and they don't? Well, in theory you can avoid those times, but it does leave you a bit lonely.

It might have been a issue back when my parents were about to get a divorce.  I had learned in school what 'divorce' was and was scared of it. I remember asking both my parents if they were going to get a divorce.  Both said 'no,' but unfortunately as time rolled on it was inevitable.

I am learning that in order to be with someone, anyone you must trust them, and we are not talking just a little bit but wholeheartedly.  You also can't love without trust.  I wrote an article about trust that someday I can submit it to a woman's magazine.  I am hoping that maybe there is someone like me who believes that sometimes the only person you can depend on is yourself, the only person who cannot hurt you is yourself, and if you want something done do it yourself.  So, I'm working on all of the above now learning that it is at least part of this thinking that leads to pushing people away or in fact have them appear as if they have let you down.

Sometimes you just have to believe like the justice system does or should: innocent until proven guilty.

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