Saturday, March 12, 2011


Tonight I put some extra time at work cleaning floors. I guess the people before me did not keep up the cleaning the way they should have, so I had to do a little extra.  It wasn't so bad to start with, but after you sit on all fours scrubbing and still having an issue getting the scum off the floor you wonder why people can't finish a job.

So, I survived the cleaning and when I got home I had to fill out at least four documents for another job I applied for.  I figured they have called me three times so they must be interested.  I thought it was weird, however, that one email in particular had mentioned looking up a website and reviewing how to interview.  1) I have read the article at the website long ago which means it is old. 2) After you get rejected a few times don't you think you would look up how you can improve yourself to be that person's number one pick for next time?  I guess I'm not like everyone else that way. Did they mention putting your resume and references in a blue folder because it is a calming color or dress in black because it compliments the body? Nope they didn't.  I guess I am suppose to call the lady who scheduled the  interview after the interview itself.  I am kinda nervous, but I have to wonder if this is too much.

They say on application papers that they do not discriminate and then list the categories, but after a bunch of paperwork aren't you just walking the fine line of potentially discriminating against someone?  I wonder how much information can I give you without actually giving you any information.

I hate interviews period.  I don't know if it is the confrontation or the fact that I somehow get so nervous that I look guilty of something when I am there in front of these people trying to impress them.  It's almost like dating.  You get dressed up so you look what you think they will think is good and then proceed to pray that you don't make a mistake.  Maybe I should just spill a drink on my clothes and get it over with.

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