Friday, February 26, 2016

The Idolization in the Thought of the Super Hero

Yep, I said it.  We idolize super heroes left and right, but may not in the way you would interpret when you think of "super heroes."

I bet most of you read the title, thinking about Marvel Comics and even some of the new movies or televisions series that have been produced based on these ideas, but unfortunately (sorry to disappoint) this is not that type of post.  

I went to the gym today and as I was running I had one of those "Oh, I'm so old" moments that made me think back to my childhood memories.  I remember when I was younger wanting to grow up to be just like my parents because, at the time, it seemed they could do anything and nothing would stop them.  I thought they were invincible.  So me, being a typical reckless clumsy youngster, would try anything.  I would climb on tractors, jump in pens with animals that my size or bigger, attempt to do a cartwheel in the back yard while falling (sometimes on my head and no comments from the peanut gallery:P), rolling down ditches, etc.  And what happened?  Bumps, bruises, scars, and lucky me, nothing broken.  I could do anything.  I was "King of the World."  I was...a nincompoop. (Yes, I just admitted that too).

It is interesting how at a young age we create this world around us where we are invincible, similar to superpowers, when all we are is innocent and ignorant about the things around us.  It is also interesting how, in some cases, our parents seem to be our super heroes as "adults can do anything", they can kiss a boo-boo away to make us feel better, and they can solve any Math problem in our schoolwork.  Pretty amazing, huh?  Well, maybe at that age it is.

Now as an adult, still with the decent ignorant imagination of my former reckless clumsy self who has no verbal filter, I look at me then and now realizing that although my mind is invincible my body seems to disagree.  (Yes, they fight on a daily basis and I have to sit them both in separate corners.)  Some of you may tell me "That is what happens when you get older," but I feel the need to reject that statement, partially because I have always been a rebel or one to challenge the odds set against me.  I may not be super and lost my typical "spidey-senses," but, as my mom likes to remind me, "I'm not dead yet."  This statement has been used in many different scenarios from physical abilities, discussions on sex and attraction, and even just discussions on limitations that we are determined to defy.

Sometimes I wish my parents had been Mr. and Mrs Incredible or that I had some genetic alteration and could fly through the night.  Hell, just reading minds might be intriguing, but I have always followed the idea that sometimes the things we think we want to know, we truly do not actually want to know.  So for now, even though I am not invincible and my joints need a bit of oil,  I will try to push my limits to my very end because someday I know that even though I am not super, I will get my chance to fly.

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