Monday, February 22, 2016

How People Make Cents

I bet you looked at that title with the first idea of how to make money or make more money, right?  Sorry to disappoint, but this is not that type of entry.  However, it is one on human investments.

You see, investing in people is like investing financially, although there is more to lose.  Not only do you lose time or money, you lose trust, respect, you lose emotions that you never knew existed while allowing yourself to be completely naked beyond physical structure (framework), and your realize the risk of your vulnerability.  So what happens to a company that fails financially?  What happens to a person who fails with the personal investment in another?  Do you pull your stock or do you wage a bit longer to see if you can break even?  Personally, even though based on some random events in my life that say I should have won the lottery by now had I bought a ticket, I am not the type to gamble big even though I have been careless in my past (if not recently).

What makes for a good investment?  Dedication, loyalty, communication, maturity, maybe responsibility, sugar, spice, and everything nice? (Oh, sorry.  Got off track there.)  No matter the case, it takes work.  For instance, lack of loyalty creates distrust or lack of communication may create a lack in respect, but apparently investments come in multiple forms, some even unhealthy versions.

You may laugh at this a bit, but I love watching social media sites.  Everyone wants their "fifteen minutes of fame" or two-sentenced-cry-baby-verbal-vomit moment to gain attention. Oh no, my boyfriend broke up with me.  I hope he dies an awful death. Um, yeah, I totally feel your pain (enter the voice of Ben Stein).  My friend is a b****, but I can't say that word, so I'll just make it look pretty with stars.  Excuse my while milk comes flying out of my nose.  Oh and then there is the "like" stalker.  This is the person who "likes" everything one in particular person posts, but seems to miss anything else that might actually be life changing, thus becoming hypocritical.  For lack of a better phrase, I call this digital proximity because you feel like you are "near" that person as you "support" the individual.  (Palm to forehead) How do I say this gently?.....GET A LIFE!  Talk about an investment with no return.

So why is it that a part of us never seems to grow beyond "bad investments"?  Do we enjoy torturing ourselves?  Is there some morbid desire in rejection?  Could be just be too stupid to operate without some form of dysfunction?  Yes.  We are human, it is what we are known for, and it is what we do best.  That does not mean that all of us become victims to our own emotional self-mutilation, but it does reflect a bit of darkness in humanity. 

Then why is it so hard for us to change even though we are aware of this shortcoming?  I could take the cheap easy route and say "we are human," but I feel the need to point out that things in life are provided by choice.  You have a choice to be angry at someone, you have a choice to sit and wallow in your own self-pity, and you have a choice to act like an immature child in an adult body.  It is not that hard to find a resolution instead of complaining about it.  I know I have mentioned this before, but if you do not like something, change it (Don't you hate when your mother's voice pops in your head every so often?)  

One loss is an investment that needs to be taken to the trash because of how toxic it has become.  You get angry because you feel stupid, you refocus because being angry is not worth the time, and move on to new goals.  And when you are done you Facebook stalk the person and find out how crappy they are without you.....Just kidding.  You can Google them instead :P  (Sorry folks.  If you did not know by now, I cannot seem to keep a topic serious.  Life is too short not to have fun and laugh at it every once in a while.)

In lieu of the above, someone once told me the person's favorite quote was "Be the change you wish to see in the world"-Gandhi.  I would like to counteract that with a thought this person should consider, "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself"-Leo Tolstoy

So where does the investment start to make cents (sense)? With ourselves.  We can choose toxic or we can change and move on.  I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel "change and move on" provide more opportunities in life...just sayin'. ;)

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