Tuesday, June 7, 2016

How Six Minutes Can Affect Your Life Part 1: The event

Despite the title, the whole event took at least a week and proceeded for a couple hours one day.  I scheduled an appointment in May to fulfill a goal on my bucket list to go skydiving.  I wanted it to take place during the month of May because it is my birthday month, it is the month I lost someone very dear to me, and the month that held my wedding anniversary.  (Note: All these happened within two weeks of each other, but during different years).  All around, it is a month I felt I needed to prove something.

I waited all month with anticipation, not feeling any fear of the potential risk.  Finally the day arrived.  I was pumped, I was psyched, I was let down.  Why?  Damn Mother Nature.  Apparently, for visual safety, it is illegal to skydive through clouds (Who knew?).  And here I thought that might be cool in a cartoon-ish sort of way (flying cupid?).  Thoroughly disappointed, I rescheduled for what I had thought was the following week only to realize it was the coming Saturday, which then turned into Sunday.  Do I have to mention that a part of me hates clouds only for the aspect of rescheduling?  

Evidently, Sunday was my third scheduled appointment (and unfortunately a new month) making a realistic "third times a charm".  Lucky for me, things went more smoothly because I had already gone through the initial training, warnings, and signing of losing any legal rights (basically, you know the risk you are taking, please sign and initial that you understand via this legal text).  

For the purpose of this blog, I will refer to the two men with me on my journey as Mr. Black and Mr. Blue (Okay, that just rang funny in my head after the fact of typing--my apologies...not really).  Mr. Black was my jumping partner and Mr. Blue was my camera guy.  I had met Mr. Blue during my initial appointment, so I felt comfortable with him from the start.  Oddly, I was a bit nervous with Mr. Black, but mind over matter I had to extinguish those thoughts quickly.

After getting strapped up and professionally violated with the biggest safety wedgie, Mr. Blue did my initial interview.  What are your thoughts?  What are you excited about?  Are you sorry you had to spend the day with us nuts here? I had to cock an eyebrow on that last one.  Obviously Mr. Blue did not know me very well.  Ha!  I must have been a little nervous because as I watch the video now, I could not be a bigger goober...but I'm okay with that.  (embrace the weird)

The experience as a whole was amazing with a high value of knowing how many people do not get this opportunity.  I was fine during the plane ride and then during the falling part of the jump, which felt like I was sitting in a baby swing.  My slap of reality was the first step outside the plane where the wind grabbed me a bit and I had to trust that Mr. Black had me secure.  I think the real expression that slipped from my lips was "Oh shit!" as I quickly ran through the typical thoughts questions.  What am I doing?  What am I thinking? Wait!  I must turn back!  I still have time to go back (exit second leg out the airplane door). There is no turning back!

It is funny though how our approach/viewpoint to life is reflected in the things we do.  Five years ago I stopped turning back from things and decided to face them realizing the value of risk, taking chances, and walking into the unknown. Life seems to become more rewarding doing the unexpected, not to mention bragging rights. :P

At the end the question is always asked: Would you ever do this again? (Many of you will not be surprised by this answer) Frick ya!  I think the question to ask yourself is why you would not take the opportunity.

For more information to obtain your own thrills, please click HERE and enjoy the ride!

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