Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Those Moments When I Shut Up

Pardon me for sounding like a giddy school grade girl, but I LOVE it when people surprise me (Sorry, guys, I know you-Creepy, right?).  I may be working on my graduate degree in English, but that does not necessarily mean I am "good" at talking.  However, I am "good" at listening. >:)

For those of you who do not know, when I shut up...that means you are in trouble.  Terms such as smartass and sarcastic were used and it was interesting to me to see how individuals discuss these terms with the idea of complete understanding when society dictates the implied meaning.  What do I do?  Haha (yes, that was an evil laugh).  I go home to research the terms considering that IS my field of study (*pretend superhero voice*  I feel a sense of responsibility and obligation to my fellow... Oh fuck it!) LOL

Anyway, smartass was defined by the individual to be something condescending or viewed with negative perspective, so being the smartass  that I am, I told the individual that I was a sarcastic person.  (Did you catch that there?).  I have this ringing in my ears every so often as I use the word sarcasm, or any form of it, as I think back to my high school English teacher with his superiority complex, educationing feeble minds in terms such as sarcasm and fudge packer.  As much as I disliked the teacher, I will say the individual taught me a few things about English. 1) How dissecting a word will give you insight to its meaning and 2) Where our language comes from or is formed, which is where I first learned the meaning of sarcasm.  Before I tangent too far, sarcasm is actually formally defined to be the condescending term while smartass (or smart ass-Might have to change to bilingual mode of using smart arse. :P), is a form of sarcasm

Hmmmm, what a concept? Per individual perspective and interpretation versus formality, proves that...well, obviously we were not on the same page as far as the conversation is concerned.  Yes, I am laughing hysterically at this considering this is why I love language, specifically English.  What I think was meant to be defined was the difference between sarcasm  and satire.  I, personally, use them interchangeably due to society's understanding and interpretation, but in blunt terms...sarcasm is mean and satire is nice in using irony. (Yes, that is a very simple definition).

I may not have proven much, besides I know my terms and how to do research.  I admitted I use everyday terminology incorrect to grasp a concept on the correct and incorrect utilization of words by anyone and everyone around me.  I sit here with a bit of satisfaction, after my mind was stalemated, thinking that I should shut up more often.  Sadly, when I do, people think I am ignorant when really...I am just proving you wrong.

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