Monday, December 31, 2012

Cheers to the New Year!

This past year, like any, was about lessons.  Lessons in love, friendship, and most of all personal improvement.  I only plan on making one resolution this new year, which is to improve from the last.

I made many new friends this year whom I would not trade for the world.  They are the people I can count on if I need help, trust with my life, have deep conversations about nothing, and the people who love you unconditionally.  I also had to learn the difference between friends and those who are not friendship material.  It is hard lesson or maybe more of an addiction that I still need to improve upon, but it is a work in progress for the new year that I can look forward to.

Even though I do like my job I need to learn to separate or even take a vacation to re-energize.  Every battery needs to recharge and so do I.  I also want to do more writing beyond my scholastic efforts.  I have found that writing is something more that I need as a release than ever during this end of the year time.  For a month I have not written anything, not even for school.  My head became too full like a glass overflowing.  What happens?  My pen hits the paper and the ink spills over multiple pages.  This is what I call encouragement to eventually write a book.

This is still a topic I struggle with, but it is something I want more myself.  During the second part of this year I have learned more and found more friends who examples of the type of people I may need in my life not only as friends, but religious encouragement.  These people, without pushing, urge me to find my own way and strengthen my own path.  I am very thankful, patient, and excited to see where this road takes me.

I am still improving many aspects of this area.  What can I say, I'm not perfect yet. ;) Yes, that was sarcastic.  I want more mentally, physically, and more freedom to enjoy the small things.  Maybe I want to acknowledge the things I am missing around me and stop worrying about things that may hurt me.  I learned this year how to jump into the deep end and trust myself more. 

I will say that I may not have accomplished all of my 2012 resolutions even though the ultimate goal is for improvement.  Goal accomplished, now on for the new year.

Please lift your glasses...Cheers to 2013!

P.S. Don't forget to start writing 2013 instead of 2012. LOL

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