Time travels, too fast. Today I watched my son at his soccer game wondering if seven years earlier I was in my right mind. His brown hair and skin glisten in the sun from the sweat of running around the field. He is an athletic young man, which he got from his father, along with those blue eyes that stand out in contrast to his other physical tones. He is smart, too. Although I had chosen a closed adoption, my sons mother seemed to understand that I could not lose that significant piece of my heart, the piece that is connected to the accomplishment of life. I did not fight her on her choice and now, I think I appreciate it more.
I accidentally became pregnant, and when I say "accidentally" I mean it was unplanned. I screamed and hollered the day I found out I was pregnant. My life was not ready for a child. I could not care for him, I still had more life to live, and I had not decided whether I wanted to have children or not. At the time I was in a relationship with a man, no one to be impressed by and probably one of the biggest mistakes of my life, but is that not what everyone says about an ex? Anyway, the relationship did not last, leaving me with this small piece of me and small piece of him (of course it was more me).
A week went by after my childish adult tantrum before I was able to grasp anything and what I decided to do was consider the circumstances logically. I could not think with my heart, although my emotions were as elevated as the power of a super hero. I decided that I would break up with my baby. Now although I was dissolving our relationship, I could not completely dissolve our connect considering this child was a part of me.
I did the logically responsible adult thing I could do, connecting with an association that set me up with a counselor who would help through the breakup of my relationship. She educated me on my choices to confirm not only that I understood what I was doing, but that I was ready to follow through with my choices. What many do not understand about me, is that when I make a choice I follow through and when it comes to letting go of people in my life, I erase them as if they never existed. A life with little memory defaults to the disappearance of a subject from your mind. I had used this method with other individuals, specifically exes, and I was choosing to do it here to salvage my emotional sanity. I may be able to logically and conceptually get rid of a person, but I am human with emotional attachments.
My determination followed the process of development strictly from nurturing a human life to finding a qualified candidate to take my place in my son's life. I know it sounds like a process for hire, but ultimately, that is truly what my choices came down to if I was to try and remain unattached.
I did find a family for my son. The parents were, as my girlie side would describe, adorable. They were high school sweethearts with a four year old son, at the time, whom they had adopted earlier. The interaction between the two dark haired, brown eyed individuals was priceless, the type of love you see in a Hallmark movie. Their son, even though adopted, resembled many of the parents' physical features and was one of the most well-mannered children I had met in a long time. I had my share of interaction with snobby "children" who felt the world owed them, but I wanted my son to be a strong independent individual. The family was perfect to the point where a part of me wished I could be a member.
The days and weeks pressed on. My health suffered a bit through each milestone, but my son's parents were there with me through every appointment and anything other concerns that included their son. I began to trust them more also, know that actions speak louder than words, they were people I could depend on or more so, my son could depend on.
My counselor told me, multiple times, that there are times when the mother carrying the child begins to rethink her choice. I would like to have said I was above this, considering my arrogant determination of choice, but I too, am human. One night I went over to see my son's mother. I wanted to tell her everything that was going through my head and what I was feeling because even though she may not have internally carried a child, she understood the love for one. I am also flawed with the trait of honesty. I see no reason to lie in life and in this particular situation, the lie would concern something or someone that was significant to me. We talked late into the night as I explained to her everything I had been through, the choices I made, and why I made them. The only thing that bothered her was the idea of a closed adoption since it was more common to have an open adoption. I admitted to her that I did not want the emotional pain, the pain of feeling like I abandoned someone, a life that I had a part in creating. Tears came to the eyes of my son's mother. She told me I had a big heart and did not deserve pain, but knew, because of that attribute, it would be hard for me to completely grasp the idea that I was not abandoning our child.
Today my son is an honor student. He, of course, plays soccer, is taking piano lessons, and has one of the most curious minds his parents have known. Although, I still chose for the adoption to be closed, my son's mother convinced me to have a "slightly" open case where I would have the role of being a guardian angel for my son. I would not have to feel as though I abandoned him, but I would not have to know every detail about him either. His parents send me pictures every so often and though a part of me would still like to be a part of their family, I understand that my son is no longer mine, but theirs and that he needs to have his own life. I do watch his games occasionally or see his piano recitals, but those are just events that confirm to me I knew what I was doing when I made my choice to break up with my son.
Deep thoughts for your hamster to run on.............or your guinea pig to fall on.
Monday, October 31, 2016
Friday, October 28, 2016
Lost in Insomnia: Storm Swampside (Part 1?)
Some nights I just cannot sleep. My mind wanders into this black hole that causes chaos deep within my mindset to that point where conscious meets its innate depths. The moon is low shining bright against the dark of night with a glimmer of stars in the background. The wind is unsettling, but the waves of the swamp remain calm. The question is to let go with the intentional risk of sabotage or to remain guarded with the protection of armor, playing it safe while always in question?
I lay back against the grass feeling every little creature under squirming to scream from the weight of my body as it pushes against them. Thank goodness many were able to escape as I understand that I am relaxing in some form of poo. My eyes close, ignoring the squish on my back as I try to find myself by losing myself. I have a choice to make and I cannot, for the life of me, seem to find the answer. My head runs away, or rather my mind, figuratively hiding from the world while the rest of me has to remain facing the harsh winds that are yet to come.
A tear falls down my face as I dread the choice I have to make, knowing that either option is a risk of pain with the understanding that the choice is potential and not utterly impossible. The chance of desire or the chance of failure. The focus of promise or the distraction of opportunity.
The wind picks up harmonizing through the grass as it calms the chirping of the grasshoppers. The moment is coming and I cannot decide. I choose to armor myself, playing it safe with a guaranteed plan of execution that falls short in fate, but ensures survival with an imprisoned heart. I close my mind off to possibility, fading deeper into the dark hole of my mind.
Lightening streaks across the sky. The thunder following as it ripples the waves before me. I remain relaxed in my mind, but for once feeling unsafe. My choice now incorrect. The risk no longer an option. My fingers curl around the breast plate as I spiral deeper into the darkness. I am frozen in fear and in the strength of my determination for survival for I have been through more hellish circumstance.
The wind dies down, taming a bit of its temper, but the lightening is unforgiving. It strikes the tree above my body and I awaken at his scream. My fear now replaced with sadness realizing the passing of opportunity. I might have been safe by taking the risk. I might have understood his proof to me if I had taken a chance. I may not have hardened every molecule in my body if I had just...admitted...what I was scared to face.
No you probably will not understand this, so do not even try, but I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading!
I lay back against the grass feeling every little creature under squirming to scream from the weight of my body as it pushes against them. Thank goodness many were able to escape as I understand that I am relaxing in some form of poo. My eyes close, ignoring the squish on my back as I try to find myself by losing myself. I have a choice to make and I cannot, for the life of me, seem to find the answer. My head runs away, or rather my mind, figuratively hiding from the world while the rest of me has to remain facing the harsh winds that are yet to come.
A tear falls down my face as I dread the choice I have to make, knowing that either option is a risk of pain with the understanding that the choice is potential and not utterly impossible. The chance of desire or the chance of failure. The focus of promise or the distraction of opportunity.
The wind picks up harmonizing through the grass as it calms the chirping of the grasshoppers. The moment is coming and I cannot decide. I choose to armor myself, playing it safe with a guaranteed plan of execution that falls short in fate, but ensures survival with an imprisoned heart. I close my mind off to possibility, fading deeper into the dark hole of my mind.
Lightening streaks across the sky. The thunder following as it ripples the waves before me. I remain relaxed in my mind, but for once feeling unsafe. My choice now incorrect. The risk no longer an option. My fingers curl around the breast plate as I spiral deeper into the darkness. I am frozen in fear and in the strength of my determination for survival for I have been through more hellish circumstance.
The wind dies down, taming a bit of its temper, but the lightening is unforgiving. It strikes the tree above my body and I awaken at his scream. My fear now replaced with sadness realizing the passing of opportunity. I might have been safe by taking the risk. I might have understood his proof to me if I had taken a chance. I may not have hardened every molecule in my body if I had just...admitted...what I was scared to face.
No you probably will not understand this, so do not even try, but I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Facing Me
I am sorry my readers that it has been some time since I last made an entry, but as most of you may know, this usually indicates that something is going on.
Once again school has taken up my time and now that I am in the final week, I am left with so many questions. I realize that I have strict logically supportive opinions with correlating ambiguity.
I was recently asked why I do not talk about myself much in conversation. My first thought was "You don't ask the right questions if you even ask me a personal question to begin with." Then I thought, "You want me to be a narcissistic freak always posting things about ME on Facebook because I am too self-absorbed to realize that there are other human who inhabit this planet?" Strike two. Third, I am a private person. I have my life, my friends, and all you need to know is what I let you know. Many of you have read prior posts and understand the privacy. After a period of abusive solitude, I value my life as a whole.
Tonight someone told me they wanted to get to know me. I was asked questions that I had trouble answering with the retort ringing "Why do you care?" I answered as if I was choking down the words and then the person stated, "I know you are divorce, but I want to know more about you." I know divorce is not uncommon and it is something that I may nonchalantly discuss, but to have it remembered felt weird considering its association.
After almost five years, I still get the looks, the questions, or the unnecessary empathy as though I am weak. I have built an empire on my independence and been scorn for it. I have created characters based on my experience as a method of freeing my imprisoned mind to appear normal outside the walls in which I live. Some days I am 21, I drink all night flirting with men and women with the cognitive thought that I am young and have nothing to lose. Some days I am 35 in a midlife crisis, quietly shunned by society with no understanding as to why I am single at this age with no spouse and no kids. (Easy, I'm a leper folks. It's the ONLY way to explain that.) Other days, I am an 80 year old woman whose husband passed away after their 50 wedding anniversary, but does not lack the energy in life as I race folks in my wheelchair down the hall and flirting with the male nurses who are always willing to give an innocent old woman a kiss on the cheek. Then there are those days where...well, I'm basically dead, at least physically. I have no age because time is just a figment of human imagination as a form of measurement as an explanation to why things change, but I then exist in color or maybe in a moment completely untraceable.
So maybe I do not tell you everything about me or even tell you at all knowing you would blow a gasket out your rear. Maybe it is better to know me in silence...or through my screaming text (writings) of insanity. :P
Once again school has taken up my time and now that I am in the final week, I am left with so many questions. I realize that I have strict logically supportive opinions with correlating ambiguity.
I was recently asked why I do not talk about myself much in conversation. My first thought was "You don't ask the right questions if you even ask me a personal question to begin with." Then I thought, "You want me to be a narcissistic freak always posting things about ME on Facebook because I am too self-absorbed to realize that there are other human who inhabit this planet?" Strike two. Third, I am a private person. I have my life, my friends, and all you need to know is what I let you know. Many of you have read prior posts and understand the privacy. After a period of abusive solitude, I value my life as a whole.
Tonight someone told me they wanted to get to know me. I was asked questions that I had trouble answering with the retort ringing "Why do you care?" I answered as if I was choking down the words and then the person stated, "I know you are divorce, but I want to know more about you." I know divorce is not uncommon and it is something that I may nonchalantly discuss, but to have it remembered felt weird considering its association.
After almost five years, I still get the looks, the questions, or the unnecessary empathy as though I am weak. I have built an empire on my independence and been scorn for it. I have created characters based on my experience as a method of freeing my imprisoned mind to appear normal outside the walls in which I live. Some days I am 21, I drink all night flirting with men and women with the cognitive thought that I am young and have nothing to lose. Some days I am 35 in a midlife crisis, quietly shunned by society with no understanding as to why I am single at this age with no spouse and no kids. (Easy, I'm a leper folks. It's the ONLY way to explain that.) Other days, I am an 80 year old woman whose husband passed away after their 50 wedding anniversary, but does not lack the energy in life as I race folks in my wheelchair down the hall and flirting with the male nurses who are always willing to give an innocent old woman a kiss on the cheek. Then there are those days where...well, I'm basically dead, at least physically. I have no age because time is just a figment of human imagination as a form of measurement as an explanation to why things change, but I then exist in color or maybe in a moment completely untraceable.
So maybe I do not tell you everything about me or even tell you at all knowing you would blow a gasket out your rear. Maybe it is better to know me in silence...or through my screaming text (writings) of insanity. :P
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Progression? Development? Advancement? Stalemate.
Tonight someone made a comment that was puzzling in comparison to my experience. The comment was perceived as though a person needs another person (a relationship) in order to grow or develop. (Takes a moment of silence.....maybe an additional moment for the crickets to stop chirping.) So let me get this straight. In order for me evolve I need another person?
I am perplexed at the undefined. Then there is the question of wants, needs, or desires. Let's slim this down shall we?
In this context, "relationship" was used in reference to "significant other" and the whole plethora of thesaurical labels that assimilate to the phrase, when in actuality, "relationship" is how two things relate. (Yes, you can smack your forehead now in the "a-duh" moment.) So does this mean a single person lacks progression? (This is about the time I would walk away from a person shaking my head at the pure ignorance.) NO! I am single and yet I think I have progressed much further than many individuals I have encountered. Hell, in the last five years alone I do not think I could even begin to describe the meaning of progression to most. Progression and development result from a craving of desiring more knowledge complimented with curiosity. I cannot help that I want to know everything. I am greedy in that way and damn proud of it, but does that mean I need a romantic relationship?
Now if we redefine "relationship" in the sense that I may need a "partner in crime," then I can see in some situations a "relationship" is needed for progression. For example, I went skydiving. Some people are scared of heights, so maybe they participate in a tandem jump to face their fears. The relationship of the two people for the tandem jump (student/instructor) is one that provides progression for at least one of the two parties involved.
Unfortunately, I am still uneasy about the whole thing. Why? Progression always starts with the self. A person will not evolve if the individual does not want to. A person will not progress if the individual does not feel the need. A person will become an ignorant fool if a person does not have one of the aforementioned......oops! Seems my opinionated self stepped in.
Stalemating is completely frustrating to me. I see or meet people who say they would not change anything in their lives. I have had a handful of dates who proclaim their lives are exactly the way they want them, they just need a woman to "fit" into that life. (knocks on your forehead) Excuse me? Anyone home? I am NOT some little woman to FIT into your life. I am NOT going to just sit tight and make you a damn sandwich. You have two legs, two hands, and God pray tell half a brain to make your own damn sandwich.
Enough of my rant. I think that part of a lack in progression is fear where people tend to curl up in the norm, which is safe. Personally, I have a hard time understanding safe in this form. It just lacks excitement. ;-)
Friday, August 5, 2016
Mind Control
Do you have a mind like mine?
Onethatstartstalkingtothepointyoucan'tunderstandwhatitissayinganditevendoesitinaccentstothepointwheretotalktoyourselfoutloudwithagigglebecauseitisfunnyyouaretalkingoutloudtoyourselfinanaccentandthenyourealizethatthetwopartsofyouinteractingareoronsforlaughingatyourselffor talkingtoyourselfintheaccentthatyouwanttojustslapthemandyouthink"Great,nowIhavebecomethethreestoogesinmyheadthatinteractwiththeoutsideofmyheadandthatoldladyislookingatmefunnywhilemyeyesmovesidetosidebecauseIamactuallytalkingtomyselfbothinsideandoutsidemyheadtryingtograsponetrainofthoughtandIcannotmakethisstop..."
That is only a portion of my madness, the part I allow you, the reader, to potentially understand because for the last couple weeks I cannot get any of that to shut off. Not even a portion of it and it drives me insane to the point where I disappear from the world. I stick music in my head, which somehow seems to calm the madness with its beats in order for me to find type of control. Well, I think I found some, as I surface a bit.
I realize I am mad, as in angry, and the only way to deal with it or spread it, because that would be wrong, is to lock it up in a cage. I contain this huge entity that I have taught to just sit there inside me to dwell without allowing it to be let lose. I have not had the time for a proper release. Between school and work I lost myself (partially because many have told me how worthless all my hard work for my graduate degree is and I will amount to nothing).
I lost myself to the thoughts of how hypocritical society is in that being a liar and sleeping with your boss is somehow rewarded with promotions, religion teaches the value of humanity yet members seem to forget their human imperfections in critiquing others, or politics somehow becomes the acceptance of murder. I kept quiet too long, obviously. I, figuratively, rolled around in this pile of shit for some time now, so it must be understandable when all I want to do is sit on the sidewalk with my legs curled up to my chest to watch people pass me knowing very well they are missing the bigger picture.
With all this bullocks on the mind I cannot help, but dream, everyday, of flying. I am not talking about flying with wings or even in an airplane, but the soaring that unfortunately only last mere moments when you jump off a waterfall or skydive. I find my mind leaving my body (and having a tough time returning) when it is soaring with the wind, doing back flips in the air only to land on the droplets of clouds to surf in the breeze passed the birds, passed the mountain tops, and into the sunset. I cannot do it though.
So what do I do?
Any of you seen the movie Stranger Than Fiction with Will Ferrell? In the movie the author tries desperately to imagine different ways to die. Lately, after all the flying, my mind tries to figure out some new death defying experience because in my mind I am completely and utterly immortal. I cannot die. My life won't let me! I just cannot feel anything.
I do not have all the answers and am probably not the most sane person alive. My grasp on life is tattered, mutilated, and an elaborate illusion that I have found to be greatly misunderstood considering many of you will not understand the run-on thought (s) above. I'm okay with that though. I cannot control everything, which maddens me in itself (along with everything). Maybe the best way to handle this is to somehow figure out how to save myself from myself like I have been doing for most of my life, I mean, I had to have lasted this far for a reason, right?...Oh yeah, it's because I'm immortal. Silly me! ;)
This is how I feel when I fly:
Linkin Park "Somewhere I Belong"
(When this began),
I had nothing to say
And I'd get lost in the nothingness inside of me
(I was confused)
And I let it all out to find/that I'm
Not the only person with these things in mind (inside of me)
But all the vacancy the words revealed
Is the only real thing that I got left to feel.(nothing to lose)
Just stuck, hollow and alone
And the fault is my own,
And the fault is my own.
I want to heal,
I want to feel,
What I thought was never real
I want to let go of the pain I felt so long (Erase all the pain 'til it's gone)
I want to heal,
Like I'm close to something real
I want to find something I've wanted all along
Somewhere I belong
And I've got nothing to say
I can't believe I didn't fall right down on my face
(I was confused)
Looking everywhere only to find That it's
Not the way I had imagined it all in my mind
(So what am I?)
What do I have but negativity?
'Cause I can't justify the way everyone is looking at me.
(Nothing to lose)
Nothing to gain, hollow and alone
And the fault is my own,
And the fault is my own
I want to heal,
I want to feel,
What I thought was never real
I want to let go of the pain I've held so long(erase all the pain 'till it's gone.)
I want to heal,
I want to feel,
Like I'm close to something real
I want to find something I've wanted all along
Somewhere I belong
I will never know
myself until I do this on my own
And I will never feel,
Anything else until my wounds are healed
I will never be
Anything 'til I break away from me
And I will break away,
And find myself today
I want to heal,
I want to feel,
What I thought was never real
I want to let go of the pain I felt so long (erase all the pain til it's gone)
I want to heal,
I want to feel,
Like I'm close to something real
I want to find something I've wanted all along
Somewhere I belong.
I want to heal.
I want to feel like I'm,
Somewhere I belong, Somewhere I belong.
Linking Park,
Mind Control,
Monday, June 20, 2016
How Six Minutes Can Affect Your Life Part 4: Feeling Alive & Love
After my jump, I felt nothing for the next few days, maybe a week. I mean, I was proud of what I did considering I had been waiting a long time to accomplish this goal, but emotionally...complete nothingness. It was the feeling you get after something amazing like a good movie or book and your heart just drops because...it's done. I anticipated the probability of skydiving many years ago. This goal then became a focus of mine that only intensified after my life was threatened because I had so much to accomplish.
After I scheduled my jump something changed in my mind. You know those dreams you get as a child where you are flying, you are invincible, and nothing can hurt you? I dreamt about that for about thirty days. The feeling of suspended tranquility, unbelievable admiration, and a somehow mildly empowering feeling of accomplishment.
......complete......and utter
It was a place similar to what I would call limbo considering I was neither here nor there. It is a place you may find when swimming under water or, I have been told, when doing a suspension (hanging from fish hooks?).
And then it was gone.
It was so surreal and I felt apathetic. I felt as though I was a failure. In the different aspects of my passed. What did I do wrong that I ended up here with ...nothing?
This took me awhile to adjust. I thought I was to feel alive after all that excitement and I felt dead. I could not figure out what was wrong with me. Then something clicked. To many of you this will sound weird if not trite, but I had felt something I had not felt in years. Love in its purest form. The type you might have towards a new born child. Do not get me wrong, I love my family and friends dearly. I also love people in that "this is a person. Why do you need to hurt this person? Why does a person deserve punishment for being different than you?" type of way (too bad you cannot just stick an adult in a corner some days :P). I had something for a bleak moment and it was gone like that.
So a part of me is lost in that at the moment. I accept that though. If I am patient and behave, I might get a chance to figure it out. Love is a bit complex to figure out in one night anyway. In the mean time, my writing has increased tremendously making me wonder if the extra oxygen levels cleared a few things or just added more air to my head for ideas to move around instead of bang into each other. Maybe this was a process of rebirth. Pushing the "reset" button on my life? Adding more perspective because I have too much to experience yet and I just won't know it until I get there.
After I scheduled my jump something changed in my mind. You know those dreams you get as a child where you are flying, you are invincible, and nothing can hurt you? I dreamt about that for about thirty days. The feeling of suspended tranquility, unbelievable admiration, and a somehow mildly empowering feeling of accomplishment.
......complete......and utter
It was a place similar to what I would call limbo considering I was neither here nor there. It is a place you may find when swimming under water or, I have been told, when doing a suspension (hanging from fish hooks?).
And then it was gone.
It was so surreal and I felt apathetic. I felt as though I was a failure. In the different aspects of my passed. What did I do wrong that I ended up here with ...nothing?
This took me awhile to adjust. I thought I was to feel alive after all that excitement and I felt dead. I could not figure out what was wrong with me. Then something clicked. To many of you this will sound weird if not trite, but I had felt something I had not felt in years. Love in its purest form. The type you might have towards a new born child. Do not get me wrong, I love my family and friends dearly. I also love people in that "this is a person. Why do you need to hurt this person? Why does a person deserve punishment for being different than you?" type of way (too bad you cannot just stick an adult in a corner some days :P). I had something for a bleak moment and it was gone like that.
So a part of me is lost in that at the moment. I accept that though. If I am patient and behave, I might get a chance to figure it out. Love is a bit complex to figure out in one night anyway. In the mean time, my writing has increased tremendously making me wonder if the extra oxygen levels cleared a few things or just added more air to my head for ideas to move around instead of bang into each other. Maybe this was a process of rebirth. Pushing the "reset" button on my life? Adding more perspective because I have too much to experience yet and I just won't know it until I get there.
life goals,
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
How Six Minutes Can Affect Your Life Part 3: Trust
Trust. I know I have written on this if not mentioned it (...like a bajillion times), but it is SIGNIFICANT to me and I feel it contributes a lot of things in life. We trust the ability to wake up in the morning. We trust we will have a job with financial stability. We trust simple things like cars to get to work, technology to function in EVERY part of our lives, or that someone will catch us when we fall.
I had two hours to develop trust in Mr. Black that with both of us having knowledge on what was to take place in the jump we would both survive regardless of his professional obligations as an instructor. Actually, the professionalism was the only thing I trusted (Not to mention great media work by Mr. Blue).
Trust can be complicated. There are levels that have specific purposes.
Trusting coworkers between the lines of personal and profession interactions. The same applies to peers at school, for example, with group projects. Can you trust them to properly contribute? Or can you trust that your teachers know the material they teach about? Keep in mind special blotches of ink on paper are to be able to prove this and yet using the same concept, those blotches of ink do not always keep people safe when it comes to legal matters (marriage license, restraining orders, protection orders, etc.). What about the level of trust in places we live with landlords or those in maintenance?
I will confidently say that the greater extent of trust is just in functionality. We believe everything will continue to progress in time but time is another analysis for, well, another time, but is this trust or do we just take it for granted?
So I have admitted that trusting others is hard and most of that is due to the fact that you cannot control the other person. You cannot trust something that is unstable or things out of your control. Then again, can we trust ourselves?
I would love to work towards a skydiving license; however, financially I am out of luck at the moment. I am still young enough (or at least I feel young enough) that I have time. Time has nothing to do with this, only the accomplishment itself, but what if I told you I am a bit scared to do it myself? Will I pull the right cords? Will I pack my parachute correctly? Am I subconsciously going to kill myself doing this? (Sorry, Mom, morbid sense of humor). Do I trust me?
There is your lottery winning question. Do I trust me? Do you trust you? Could I add any more psychological issues to this blog since I keep justifying I probably have multiple personalities? (Yes, I am kidding) Some days I am strong than others. On my strong days I trust that I have enough power in me to keep standing and lift others from their knees. On weak days, I trust that I am in control enough that, if given the time, I can lift myself from my knees. Trust can sometimes limit us or maybe, in my case, we can trust that whatever happens will happen and we will be able to handle the consequences when we get there.
I had two hours to develop trust in Mr. Black that with both of us having knowledge on what was to take place in the jump we would both survive regardless of his professional obligations as an instructor. Actually, the professionalism was the only thing I trusted (Not to mention great media work by Mr. Blue).
Trust can be complicated. There are levels that have specific purposes.
Trusting coworkers between the lines of personal and profession interactions. The same applies to peers at school, for example, with group projects. Can you trust them to properly contribute? Or can you trust that your teachers know the material they teach about? Keep in mind special blotches of ink on paper are to be able to prove this and yet using the same concept, those blotches of ink do not always keep people safe when it comes to legal matters (marriage license, restraining orders, protection orders, etc.). What about the level of trust in places we live with landlords or those in maintenance?
I will confidently say that the greater extent of trust is just in functionality. We believe everything will continue to progress in time but time is another analysis for, well, another time, but is this trust or do we just take it for granted?
So I have admitted that trusting others is hard and most of that is due to the fact that you cannot control the other person. You cannot trust something that is unstable or things out of your control. Then again, can we trust ourselves?
I would love to work towards a skydiving license; however, financially I am out of luck at the moment. I am still young enough (or at least I feel young enough) that I have time. Time has nothing to do with this, only the accomplishment itself, but what if I told you I am a bit scared to do it myself? Will I pull the right cords? Will I pack my parachute correctly? Am I subconsciously going to kill myself doing this? (Sorry, Mom, morbid sense of humor). Do I trust me?
There is your lottery winning question. Do I trust me? Do you trust you? Could I add any more psychological issues to this blog since I keep justifying I probably have multiple personalities? (Yes, I am kidding) Some days I am strong than others. On my strong days I trust that I have enough power in me to keep standing and lift others from their knees. On weak days, I trust that I am in control enough that, if given the time, I can lift myself from my knees. Trust can sometimes limit us or maybe, in my case, we can trust that whatever happens will happen and we will be able to handle the consequences when we get there.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
How Six Minutes Can Affect Your Life Part 2: Fear
As you read in my previous entry, I jumped out of plane and dove to the ground. Blatantly put it sounds scary. I actually questioned myself on thoughts of fear before my jump wondering if this was the reason of my pursuit. I told people it was a reason for my pursuit considering some of the traumatic episodes in my life and now I wonder if it was the real reason or if I was just kidding myself.
Fear defines a person. What type of fear and how a person handles that fear reflects upon the individual's personality. Is this person going to take risks? Does this person know he/she is doing? Should this person be trusted? What challenges can this person handle?
Some days I get this feeling that I am not afraid of anything. Part of that is that I am too curious about things to just let them pass me by. What I know I am afraid of is the unknown. I was nervous, a bit afraid, of not knowing how my skydiving experience would play out. I am scared of people because I cannot control their behavior leaving it hard for me to trust them.
Even though I have a bit of fear, maybe less than the next person, I realize I have to embrace it. Many people just let it hold them back. One thing that crossed my mind before my jump was the risk of death. Someone also asked me if this was something I was afraid of. I was not afraid to die, should that have happened. Eventually I will die. I cannot live forever, thank goodness, but death is not a fear that should stop a person from trying new things.
A couple days after my jump a part of me felt scared. I was scared to return to my life, which at the moment felt worthless because of the monotony. I was scared of the people I would have to face because there are some people I do not want to encounter anymore as they leech off my life, lie to my face, and then kiss ass to other thinking their personal worth will increase. Those types of people drain me and dealing with them is frustrating, so fear, in this case, develops a new meaning of exhaustion.
I guess I face fear every day. I wake up, I go to work, I come home to do school work, and I could be missing something. So as much as I grasp the concept of fear, I do not have the typical fears, like death defying feats. I seem to fear the opposite, boredom. Now the fear I have to face is what is my next big defeat. ;-)
"Sometimes you have to stop being scared and just go for it. Either it'll work or it won't. That's life." ~ Higher Perspective
The moment I stopped being scared and just went for it. Photos by "Mr. Blue" at Skydive Fargo.

Fear defines a person. What type of fear and how a person handles that fear reflects upon the individual's personality. Is this person going to take risks? Does this person know he/she is doing? Should this person be trusted? What challenges can this person handle?
Some days I get this feeling that I am not afraid of anything. Part of that is that I am too curious about things to just let them pass me by. What I know I am afraid of is the unknown. I was nervous, a bit afraid, of not knowing how my skydiving experience would play out. I am scared of people because I cannot control their behavior leaving it hard for me to trust them.
Even though I have a bit of fear, maybe less than the next person, I realize I have to embrace it. Many people just let it hold them back. One thing that crossed my mind before my jump was the risk of death. Someone also asked me if this was something I was afraid of. I was not afraid to die, should that have happened. Eventually I will die. I cannot live forever, thank goodness, but death is not a fear that should stop a person from trying new things.
A couple days after my jump a part of me felt scared. I was scared to return to my life, which at the moment felt worthless because of the monotony. I was scared of the people I would have to face because there are some people I do not want to encounter anymore as they leech off my life, lie to my face, and then kiss ass to other thinking their personal worth will increase. Those types of people drain me and dealing with them is frustrating, so fear, in this case, develops a new meaning of exhaustion.
I guess I face fear every day. I wake up, I go to work, I come home to do school work, and I could be missing something. So as much as I grasp the concept of fear, I do not have the typical fears, like death defying feats. I seem to fear the opposite, boredom. Now the fear I have to face is what is my next big defeat. ;-)
"Sometimes you have to stop being scared and just go for it. Either it'll work or it won't. That's life." ~ Higher Perspective
The moment I stopped being scared and just went for it. Photos by "Mr. Blue" at Skydive Fargo.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
How Six Minutes Can Affect Your Life Part 1: The event
Despite the title, the whole event took at least a week and proceeded for a couple hours one day. I scheduled an appointment in May to fulfill a goal on my bucket list to go skydiving. I wanted it to take place during the month of May because it is my birthday month, it is the month I lost someone very dear to me, and the month that held my wedding anniversary. (Note: All these happened within two weeks of each other, but during different years). All around, it is a month I felt I needed to prove something.
I waited all month with anticipation, not feeling any fear of the potential risk. Finally the day arrived. I was pumped, I was psyched, I was let down. Why? Damn Mother Nature. Apparently, for visual safety, it is illegal to skydive through clouds (Who knew?). And here I thought that might be cool in a cartoon-ish sort of way (flying cupid?). Thoroughly disappointed, I rescheduled for what I had thought was the following week only to realize it was the coming Saturday, which then turned into Sunday. Do I have to mention that a part of me hates clouds only for the aspect of rescheduling?
Evidently, Sunday was my third scheduled appointment (and unfortunately a new month) making a realistic "third times a charm". Lucky for me, things went more smoothly because I had already gone through the initial training, warnings, and signing of losing any legal rights (basically, you know the risk you are taking, please sign and initial that you understand via this legal text).
For the purpose of this blog, I will refer to the two men with me on my journey as Mr. Black and Mr. Blue (Okay, that just rang funny in my head after the fact of typing--my apologies...not really). Mr. Black was my jumping partner and Mr. Blue was my camera guy. I had met Mr. Blue during my initial appointment, so I felt comfortable with him from the start. Oddly, I was a bit nervous with Mr. Black, but mind over matter I had to extinguish those thoughts quickly.
After getting strapped up and professionally violated with the biggest safety wedgie, Mr. Blue did my initial interview. What are your thoughts? What are you excited about? Are you sorry you had to spend the day with us nuts here? I had to cock an eyebrow on that last one. Obviously Mr. Blue did not know me very well. Ha! I must have been a little nervous because as I watch the video now, I could not be a bigger goober...but I'm okay with that. (embrace the weird)
The experience as a whole was amazing with a high value of knowing how many people do not get this opportunity. I was fine during the plane ride and then during the falling part of the jump, which felt like I was sitting in a baby swing. My slap of reality was the first step outside the plane where the wind grabbed me a bit and I had to trust that Mr. Black had me secure. I think the real expression that slipped from my lips was "Oh shit!" as I quickly ran through the typical thoughts questions. What am I doing? What am I thinking? Wait! I must turn back! I still have time to go back (exit second leg out the airplane door). There is no turning back!
It is funny though how our approach/viewpoint to life is reflected in the things we do. Five years ago I stopped turning back from things and decided to face them realizing the value of risk, taking chances, and walking into the unknown. Life seems to become more rewarding doing the unexpected, not to mention bragging rights. :P
At the end the question is always asked: Would you ever do this again? (Many of you will not be surprised by this answer) Frick ya! I think the question to ask yourself is why you would not take the opportunity.
For more information to obtain your own thrills, please click HERE and enjoy the ride!
bucket list,
life goals,
Friday, May 27, 2016
Unfinished Fear
In three days I will accomplish the feat of sky-diving, which is something I have longed to do for some time now. As I near the actual event a part of me becomes scared. I am a little bit scared of heights, but have learned over the years how to master those occasions by just saying "yes" to the moment. With the potential risk of my life I am a bit scared of how I am going to die since I do not want any pain, but I am not scared of death which to many is confusing. Death is inevitable and I have learned to accept that someday, somehow I am eventually going to die, but what will I have to show for the life I lived?
So why am I taking this risk?
I am facing every fear that I have had: rejection, intimacy, death, pain, ...change. I am accepting that I am stronger even when I feel that I have fallen. At times I silently pray in my head that I will be able to survive, which in this context is vague. I get sick of being the strong one, the one that mends all the wounds, and the one that keeps everything organized. When is someone going to take care of me?
In connection to religious beliefs, I am taken care of, which is why I am so strong. If I look how rich I am in friendships, I am also taken care of because I have invested in people who are there when I need them and know I would do the same. Mentally, I'm exhausted. Ha! Compared to others, I wish I understood the meaning of a "clear mind."
Maybe I should be asking what scares me? Answer: Everything. lol
My imagination wanders to what could be from what is and every scenario in between both good and bad. This ability offers me the gift of being prepared for anything while also over-compensating. Sound exhausting yet?
So I take this risk. I face my fear and all for what? What did I accomplish in life? What difference did I make? How did I improve something? Odd as it may seem, these are the questions that ensure me of my survival in my jump and that I do not have to be scared. I am just beginning. I have so much to accomplish. I am not finished yet.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Impressionable Interactions
Life has an odd way of presenting us with opportunity. Some options are presented in anger, some are presented for us to overcome fear, and others may offer the realization of your importance. People sometimes wonder about their importance to their existence and when it appears it is hard to identify.
I am currently single and some days I still feel like the pubescent teen trying to figure herself out, the one that gets lost in her own head on a daily basis. Then there is the co-existing adult version that recognizes that my unique perspectives are what give me worth. Not everyone sees life as an adventure and lives to tell about it. Not everyone views life as a comic strip. Not everyone views life as a moment to be a hero even if it is only silently noticed.
Every now and then people feel lonely. This could be the fact that a relationship did not survive or maybe even the lack of a relationship. In this mindset it is not realized that there are many types of relationship and the people from those relationships can fulfill some of the needs that are not being met. For instance, some people say they wish they had someone to cuddle with when sometimes a hug from a friend (a touch period) is more effective. Why? The affection is from a person who genuinely cares about you.
Then there are those moments when we ask ourselves, "Would it really matter to anyone if I disappeared?" Answer: OF COURSE! We interact on a daily basis with each other and you think that no one would notice if you were gone? I will be bold and admit that I have asked this question. In fact, double the boldness, I have asked a person directly if it mattered. There are times where we need this acknowledgment, but do we know when to recognize this? NOPE!
Let me explain.
There are times when I have moved on with my life and those I left behind, that mattered to me, forgot me. the next thing I know, I get a random text, email, or phone call with five simple words: I was thinking of you. (pause for 'awww'). I recently experienced this from people I did not expect. What? How? Wait, WHY?!?! I don't know and frankly, I stopped caring to analyze the reasoning. I accept that in that one moment that person thought of me because I somehow affected his/her life.
Sounds simple, right? WRONG! This is where things get foggy and we miss things. So what do I try to do? I accept any interaction for what it is at that moment and accept it for what it is worth. This person thought of me today. This person thought I was worth the contact. This contact may have been an extra effort since we have not had a lot of contact. This person is proud to be associated to me and reached out. We never quite know how much we mean to others until it literally hits us on the head (I might have had that happen few times before I got to this point). Maybe loneliness is a bit selfish and we should try reaching out to others during those times instead of withdrawing from our regular lives. And then maybe, as I near one of the most exciting and fearful days of my life thus far, I reflect on how many people I may have made an impression on, allowing me to feel thankful that I had all these opportunities.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Writing: Lost in the Sand
It has been over a month since I last wrote on this site. I lost a bit of my imagination, creativity, and my characters died. In short, my class is kicking my ass to the point that I did not want to write anymore.
The English language (and classes) have always been tough for me. To put it in perspective, I think I was getting a better grade in my Spanish class than English class at one point. The terms change meaning with every sentence, with every placement, and with every speaker and yet I pursue to become a Master at this oddity. Why? I am one to take risks, challenge the rules, jump into the deep end of a pool cold turkey, and conquer any of my limitations. I hate being shoved into a box of structure. How can I "think freely" if you control how I am to think?
Frustration is my enemy and became an accessory to the murder of my characters (unless I can dig them up from the sand). My class is/was not going as I desired. My characters became "flat" and "uninteresting" while I mentally began to breakup with them. That is correct. I figuratively walked away to let them drop dead. Sadly, for the sake of the class, I have to revive the zombies. I asked my professor if he had ever walked up a sand dune:
You start at the bottom of this big hill of sand excited at the thought of reaching the top, but with ever couple steps, you fall back one. It is annoying, frustrating, and drives a person nuts. The sun beats upon you as you try different method of climbing by using your hands or digging your feet deeper into the sad until you are a bit exhausted. You the stop to sit in the sand, which is burning your ass since it was heated by the sun, and try to figure out a new plan of attack.
Well, I told my professor that with this class I was stuck sitting in the sand (and no my bottom is not raw from the burning :P). After admitting that my characters were dead, my professor advised me to go play in the sandbox. I do not know if this was intentional or not, but considering the above it made sense. Maybe I need to add water? I could try to build a sand castle, but then I might need to add a bucket. My sand has not become a stone yet, which is why I am performing CPR or just plain resurrecting zombies of my characters. Is it just me or does everything seem to begin and end with sand here? (sand, sandbox, zombies?)
I guess it is time for me to format my sand...
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Writing: A Reason to be Greedy
That, my friends, was the title of my post for my current class in the analyzation of why I want to write, why I should write, or what my goals are in writing. From this heading I received, what I consider, to be a compliment: "...how could I resist the provocative header...". Somehow I feel one of those "Go team!" moments we see in movies should happen here, but I'll digress.
I wrote this header based on the idea that writing should start with the writer. I have all "this" inside that needs to come out in some shape or form of expression and for me it is writing about "this." Now does that sound completely greedy/selfish? I have heard that writers should base their writing on their audience, but if I put my audience before myself am I going to be completely honest with you?
I recently told a person that I had to "bite my tongue" during a conversation, which is hard for me, especially when I understand both sides of the conversation all too well. You ever have those conversations with another person and feel like you are just talking to yourself during a different part of your life, like a past self? I did, but during the conversation I also realized I had to shut up too. Saying too much can scare a person and saying too little will not get your point across, but saying just enough provides intrigue that eases into the true intention.
As I write here, there, and maybe a little bit everywhere like a child with a crayon against a white wall, I realize how harsh I can be knowing that sometimes an audience needs a safety net while others require the "band-aid to be ripped off." I am a band-aid person (does that not sound weird to anyone else?). Give me the truth and I will deal with it from there. I make a choice and deal with the consequences later because if you wait too long the choice is made for you which can be worse than the choice you make for yourself.
Writing allows me to organize the carousel of thoughts that whiz past my mind constantly. I have no on/off switch, unless you count taking a frying pan to the head to put me in a coma, but one topic meshes with another topic becoming psychotically no resemblance of the original thought. I mean the title itself is awkward: Writing? Greedy? How about writing honestly?
Every time I type one of these entries up or write something for any other purpose the voice of Avril Lavigne enters my head saying "With these things I'll never say." I write what I would not normally say aloud partially for the reason that there is a time and place for things to be said. Other times it is because I am ashamed of what I wrote. Who would read this? Why would you read it? Or my personal critique on myself (Perfectionist, right here, yoo hoo!), who would read this crap? I had a rough draft read recently, one that revealed a lot of my opinions towards another person. Yes, I was a bit ashamed of this draft considering it is one of those pieces where I talk to myself acknowledging "You know better." To my surprise, I was basically told not to be ashamed of it. It is not something I want to share revealing, what I view, to be a potential weakness in myself, but within time I may not be as embarrassed about a piece like this in the future. It takes time.
So in my writing I am greedy. Some of the greed I share, "gifting, " as my professor puts it, to others while some I keep to myself until it is tolerable beyond just myself. It is interesting how not everyone can handle the truth and not everyone can handle giving the truth, but writing let's me be honest...or greedy.
I wrote this header based on the idea that writing should start with the writer. I have all "this" inside that needs to come out in some shape or form of expression and for me it is writing about "this." Now does that sound completely greedy/selfish? I have heard that writers should base their writing on their audience, but if I put my audience before myself am I going to be completely honest with you?
I recently told a person that I had to "bite my tongue" during a conversation, which is hard for me, especially when I understand both sides of the conversation all too well. You ever have those conversations with another person and feel like you are just talking to yourself during a different part of your life, like a past self? I did, but during the conversation I also realized I had to shut up too. Saying too much can scare a person and saying too little will not get your point across, but saying just enough provides intrigue that eases into the true intention.
As I write here, there, and maybe a little bit everywhere like a child with a crayon against a white wall, I realize how harsh I can be knowing that sometimes an audience needs a safety net while others require the "band-aid to be ripped off." I am a band-aid person (does that not sound weird to anyone else?). Give me the truth and I will deal with it from there. I make a choice and deal with the consequences later because if you wait too long the choice is made for you which can be worse than the choice you make for yourself.
Writing allows me to organize the carousel of thoughts that whiz past my mind constantly. I have no on/off switch, unless you count taking a frying pan to the head to put me in a coma, but one topic meshes with another topic becoming psychotically no resemblance of the original thought. I mean the title itself is awkward: Writing? Greedy? How about writing honestly?
Every time I type one of these entries up or write something for any other purpose the voice of Avril Lavigne enters my head saying "With these things I'll never say." I write what I would not normally say aloud partially for the reason that there is a time and place for things to be said. Other times it is because I am ashamed of what I wrote. Who would read this? Why would you read it? Or my personal critique on myself (Perfectionist, right here, yoo hoo!), who would read this crap? I had a rough draft read recently, one that revealed a lot of my opinions towards another person. Yes, I was a bit ashamed of this draft considering it is one of those pieces where I talk to myself acknowledging "You know better." To my surprise, I was basically told not to be ashamed of it. It is not something I want to share revealing, what I view, to be a potential weakness in myself, but within time I may not be as embarrassed about a piece like this in the future. It takes time.
So in my writing I am greedy. Some of the greed I share, "gifting, " as my professor puts it, to others while some I keep to myself until it is tolerable beyond just myself. It is interesting how not everyone can handle the truth and not everyone can handle giving the truth, but writing let's me be honest...or greedy.
Friday, February 26, 2016
The Idolization in the Thought of the Super Hero
Yep, I said it. We idolize super heroes left and right, but may not in the way you would interpret when you think of "super heroes."
I bet most of you read the title, thinking about Marvel Comics and even some of the new movies or televisions series that have been produced based on these ideas, but unfortunately (sorry to disappoint) this is not that type of post.
I went to the gym today and as I was running I had one of those "Oh, I'm so old" moments that made me think back to my childhood memories. I remember when I was younger wanting to grow up to be just like my parents because, at the time, it seemed they could do anything and nothing would stop them. I thought they were invincible. So me, being a typical reckless clumsy youngster, would try anything. I would climb on tractors, jump in pens with animals that my size or bigger, attempt to do a cartwheel in the back yard while falling (sometimes on my head and no comments from the peanut gallery:P), rolling down ditches, etc. And what happened? Bumps, bruises, scars, and lucky me, nothing broken. I could do anything. I was "King of the World." I was...a nincompoop. (Yes, I just admitted that too).
It is interesting how at a young age we create this world around us where we are invincible, similar to superpowers, when all we are is innocent and ignorant about the things around us. It is also interesting how, in some cases, our parents seem to be our super heroes as "adults can do anything", they can kiss a boo-boo away to make us feel better, and they can solve any Math problem in our schoolwork. Pretty amazing, huh? Well, maybe at that age it is.
Now as an adult, still with the decent ignorant imagination of my former reckless clumsy self who has no verbal filter, I look at me then and now realizing that although my mind is invincible my body seems to disagree. (Yes, they fight on a daily basis and I have to sit them both in separate corners.) Some of you may tell me "That is what happens when you get older," but I feel the need to reject that statement, partially because I have always been a rebel or one to challenge the odds set against me. I may not be super and lost my typical "spidey-senses," but, as my mom likes to remind me, "I'm not dead yet." This statement has been used in many different scenarios from physical abilities, discussions on sex and attraction, and even just discussions on limitations that we are determined to defy.
Sometimes I wish my parents had been Mr. and Mrs Incredible or that I had some genetic alteration and could fly through the night. Hell, just reading minds might be intriguing, but I have always followed the idea that sometimes the things we think we want to know, we truly do not actually want to know. So for now, even though I am not invincible and my joints need a bit of oil, I will try to push my limits to my very end because someday I know that even though I am not super, I will get my chance to fly.
I bet most of you read the title, thinking about Marvel Comics and even some of the new movies or televisions series that have been produced based on these ideas, but unfortunately (sorry to disappoint) this is not that type of post.
I went to the gym today and as I was running I had one of those "Oh, I'm so old" moments that made me think back to my childhood memories. I remember when I was younger wanting to grow up to be just like my parents because, at the time, it seemed they could do anything and nothing would stop them. I thought they were invincible. So me, being a typical reckless clumsy youngster, would try anything. I would climb on tractors, jump in pens with animals that my size or bigger, attempt to do a cartwheel in the back yard while falling (sometimes on my head and no comments from the peanut gallery:P), rolling down ditches, etc. And what happened? Bumps, bruises, scars, and lucky me, nothing broken. I could do anything. I was "King of the World." I was...a nincompoop. (Yes, I just admitted that too).
It is interesting how at a young age we create this world around us where we are invincible, similar to superpowers, when all we are is innocent and ignorant about the things around us. It is also interesting how, in some cases, our parents seem to be our super heroes as "adults can do anything", they can kiss a boo-boo away to make us feel better, and they can solve any Math problem in our schoolwork. Pretty amazing, huh? Well, maybe at that age it is.
Now as an adult, still with the decent ignorant imagination of my former reckless clumsy self who has no verbal filter, I look at me then and now realizing that although my mind is invincible my body seems to disagree. (Yes, they fight on a daily basis and I have to sit them both in separate corners.) Some of you may tell me "That is what happens when you get older," but I feel the need to reject that statement, partially because I have always been a rebel or one to challenge the odds set against me. I may not be super and lost my typical "spidey-senses," but, as my mom likes to remind me, "I'm not dead yet." This statement has been used in many different scenarios from physical abilities, discussions on sex and attraction, and even just discussions on limitations that we are determined to defy.
Sometimes I wish my parents had been Mr. and Mrs Incredible or that I had some genetic alteration and could fly through the night. Hell, just reading minds might be intriguing, but I have always followed the idea that sometimes the things we think we want to know, we truly do not actually want to know. So for now, even though I am not invincible and my joints need a bit of oil, I will try to push my limits to my very end because someday I know that even though I am not super, I will get my chance to fly.
super heroes,
Monday, February 22, 2016
How People Make Cents
I bet you looked at that title with the first idea of how to make money or make more money, right? Sorry to disappoint, but this is not that type of entry. However, it is one on human investments.
You see, investing in people is like investing financially, although there is more to lose. Not only do you lose time or money, you lose trust, respect, you lose emotions that you never knew existed while allowing yourself to be completely naked beyond physical structure (framework), and your realize the risk of your vulnerability. So what happens to a company that fails financially? What happens to a person who fails with the personal investment in another? Do you pull your stock or do you wage a bit longer to see if you can break even? Personally, even though based on some random events in my life that say I should have won the lottery by now had I bought a ticket, I am not the type to gamble big even though I have been careless in my past (if not recently).
What makes for a good investment? Dedication, loyalty, communication, maturity, maybe responsibility, sugar, spice, and everything nice? (Oh, sorry. Got off track there.) No matter the case, it takes work. For instance, lack of loyalty creates distrust or lack of communication may create a lack in respect, but apparently investments come in multiple forms, some even unhealthy versions.
You may laugh at this a bit, but I love watching social media sites. Everyone wants their "fifteen minutes of fame" or two-sentenced-cry-baby-verbal-vomit moment to gain attention. Oh no, my boyfriend broke up with me. I hope he dies an awful death. Um, yeah, I totally feel your pain (enter the voice of Ben Stein). My friend is a b****, but I can't say that word, so I'll just make it look pretty with stars. Excuse my while milk comes flying out of my nose. Oh and then there is the "like" stalker. This is the person who "likes" everything one in particular person posts, but seems to miss anything else that might actually be life changing, thus becoming hypocritical. For lack of a better phrase, I call this digital proximity because you feel like you are "near" that person as you "support" the individual. (Palm to forehead) How do I say this gently?.....GET A LIFE! Talk about an investment with no return.
So why is it that a part of us never seems to grow beyond "bad investments"? Do we enjoy torturing ourselves? Is there some morbid desire in rejection? Could be just be too stupid to operate without some form of dysfunction? Yes. We are human, it is what we are known for, and it is what we do best. That does not mean that all of us become victims to our own emotional self-mutilation, but it does reflect a bit of darkness in humanity.
Then why is it so hard for us to change even though we are aware of this shortcoming? I could take the cheap easy route and say "we are human," but I feel the need to point out that things in life are provided by choice. You have a choice to be angry at someone, you have a choice to sit and wallow in your own self-pity, and you have a choice to act like an immature child in an adult body. It is not that hard to find a resolution instead of complaining about it. I know I have mentioned this before, but if you do not like something, change it (Don't you hate when your mother's voice pops in your head every so often?)
One loss is....it is an investment that needs to be taken to the trash because of how toxic it has become. You get angry because you feel stupid, you refocus because being angry is not worth the time, and move on to new goals. And when you are done you Facebook stalk the person and find out how crappy they are without you.....Just kidding. You can Google them instead :P (Sorry folks. If you did not know by now, I cannot seem to keep a topic serious. Life is too short not to have fun and laugh at it every once in a while.)
In lieu of the above, someone once told me the person's favorite quote was "Be the change you wish to see in the world"-Gandhi. I would like to counteract that with a thought this person should consider, "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself"-Leo Tolstoy
So where does the investment start to make cents (sense)? With ourselves. We can choose toxic or we can change and move on. I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel "change and move on" provide more opportunities in life...just sayin'. ;)
You see, investing in people is like investing financially, although there is more to lose. Not only do you lose time or money, you lose trust, respect, you lose emotions that you never knew existed while allowing yourself to be completely naked beyond physical structure (framework), and your realize the risk of your vulnerability. So what happens to a company that fails financially? What happens to a person who fails with the personal investment in another? Do you pull your stock or do you wage a bit longer to see if you can break even? Personally, even though based on some random events in my life that say I should have won the lottery by now had I bought a ticket, I am not the type to gamble big even though I have been careless in my past (if not recently).
What makes for a good investment? Dedication, loyalty, communication, maturity, maybe responsibility, sugar, spice, and everything nice? (Oh, sorry. Got off track there.) No matter the case, it takes work. For instance, lack of loyalty creates distrust or lack of communication may create a lack in respect, but apparently investments come in multiple forms, some even unhealthy versions.
You may laugh at this a bit, but I love watching social media sites. Everyone wants their "fifteen minutes of fame" or two-sentenced-cry-baby-verbal-vomit moment to gain attention. Oh no, my boyfriend broke up with me. I hope he dies an awful death. Um, yeah, I totally feel your pain (enter the voice of Ben Stein). My friend is a b****, but I can't say that word, so I'll just make it look pretty with stars. Excuse my while milk comes flying out of my nose. Oh and then there is the "like" stalker. This is the person who "likes" everything one in particular person posts, but seems to miss anything else that might actually be life changing, thus becoming hypocritical. For lack of a better phrase, I call this digital proximity because you feel like you are "near" that person as you "support" the individual. (Palm to forehead) How do I say this gently?.....GET A LIFE! Talk about an investment with no return.
So why is it that a part of us never seems to grow beyond "bad investments"? Do we enjoy torturing ourselves? Is there some morbid desire in rejection? Could be just be too stupid to operate without some form of dysfunction? Yes. We are human, it is what we are known for, and it is what we do best. That does not mean that all of us become victims to our own emotional self-mutilation, but it does reflect a bit of darkness in humanity.
Then why is it so hard for us to change even though we are aware of this shortcoming? I could take the cheap easy route and say "we are human," but I feel the need to point out that things in life are provided by choice. You have a choice to be angry at someone, you have a choice to sit and wallow in your own self-pity, and you have a choice to act like an immature child in an adult body. It is not that hard to find a resolution instead of complaining about it. I know I have mentioned this before, but if you do not like something, change it (Don't you hate when your mother's voice pops in your head every so often?)
One loss is....it is an investment that needs to be taken to the trash because of how toxic it has become. You get angry because you feel stupid, you refocus because being angry is not worth the time, and move on to new goals. And when you are done you Facebook stalk the person and find out how crappy they are without you.....Just kidding. You can Google them instead :P (Sorry folks. If you did not know by now, I cannot seem to keep a topic serious. Life is too short not to have fun and laugh at it every once in a while.)
In lieu of the above, someone once told me the person's favorite quote was "Be the change you wish to see in the world"-Gandhi. I would like to counteract that with a thought this person should consider, "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself"-Leo Tolstoy
So where does the investment start to make cents (sense)? With ourselves. We can choose toxic or we can change and move on. I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel "change and move on" provide more opportunities in life...just sayin'. ;)
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Why Valentine's Day Seems to Miss its Own Point.
As of a few minutes ago, Valentine's Day became official. That is correct. Break out the candy, the flowers, and dare I say the indulgent ever fornicating facade of love. (Shoot! Was I daring again in my word choice?) Yes, I believe Valentine's Day is a facade because of the required obligation it provides for society to PROVE love. Why can I not just love you every day? Why do I have to show or tell you "I love you" on this specific day?
Sorry folks, but I am going to preach this every year because it bugs the crap out of me how I watch everything commercialized in the thought of love that love itself becomes so fake. Do not get me wrong in that I do not appreciate when someone thinks of me (who doesn't?), but I will always appreciate it more when it is sporadic instead of forced. How else do you know if someone truly cares about you? When that person did something or said something when you least expected it.
You, my reader, are probably going to laugh at me when I say this, but I have been reading a bunch of blogs on the holiday the last couple days (partially in procrastination of my school paper-did I mention I am a master at procrastinating?) and I laugh at the stereotypes printed out there; "Oh, how I love thee" or "I f*cking hate this holiday". I do not hate Valentine's Day, but I do not agree with what it stands for and what it does to society.
Personally, after many different life events, I appreciate the small things in life and I try my best to portray that to others. To me, a simple hug given when you did not know a person was having a bad day, a "Good morning" note, simply acknowledging a person may look like something is wrong and need a friend (and no this is not stating a person looks like crap, which some may interpret), or maybe, considering the holiday, giving a small token resembling "I care about you" to someone not in a relationship as it seems the rest of the world couples up.
So is it weird that my thoughts process like this? Am I alone when I think this? Is there anyone else who understands the concept here?
Food for thought:
I saw on social media a message stating "Any dude that waits for Valentine's Day to treat his woman like a Queen is failing 364 days of the year." I was a bit curious, so read the comments below where a young man stated he saved up his money for this one day (one of the most expensive days of the year might I add) to "go big or go home" in proving his love (enter palm to forehead). Prorating throughout the year or waiting for one single day? Then I laughed because my initial thought was "What about treating a man like a King?" Okay, now society would really categorize me as weird for this backwards train of thought considering the stereotypical thought is that this is all for the women. Pffft!
I guess my beef is....to the person I have a committed relationship with (this includes a coupling relationship, friendship, family-ship, sinking ship, Oops!) I fell in love with you before. I love you today, I love you tomorrow, and as long as we continue interacting in each other's lives I will continue to work on that love until you tell me...well, for lack of a better phrase,...that it needs to die. So to all those whom I care about, no matter the type of relationship, I love you and ...make today a great one. My other personalities and I are going to enjoy each others' company in a warm petal filled bath with a giant cup of coffee to relax. (Sounds kinky, right? and yet only some of you will understand the sarcasm in it) Have a great day!
Sorry folks, but I am going to preach this every year because it bugs the crap out of me how I watch everything commercialized in the thought of love that love itself becomes so fake. Do not get me wrong in that I do not appreciate when someone thinks of me (who doesn't?), but I will always appreciate it more when it is sporadic instead of forced. How else do you know if someone truly cares about you? When that person did something or said something when you least expected it.
You, my reader, are probably going to laugh at me when I say this, but I have been reading a bunch of blogs on the holiday the last couple days (partially in procrastination of my school paper-did I mention I am a master at procrastinating?) and I laugh at the stereotypes printed out there; "Oh, how I love thee" or "I f*cking hate this holiday". I do not hate Valentine's Day, but I do not agree with what it stands for and what it does to society.
Personally, after many different life events, I appreciate the small things in life and I try my best to portray that to others. To me, a simple hug given when you did not know a person was having a bad day, a "Good morning" note, simply acknowledging a person may look like something is wrong and need a friend (and no this is not stating a person looks like crap, which some may interpret), or maybe, considering the holiday, giving a small token resembling "I care about you" to someone not in a relationship as it seems the rest of the world couples up.
So is it weird that my thoughts process like this? Am I alone when I think this? Is there anyone else who understands the concept here?
Food for thought:
I saw on social media a message stating "Any dude that waits for Valentine's Day to treat his woman like a Queen is failing 364 days of the year." I was a bit curious, so read the comments below where a young man stated he saved up his money for this one day (one of the most expensive days of the year might I add) to "go big or go home" in proving his love (enter palm to forehead). Prorating throughout the year or waiting for one single day? Then I laughed because my initial thought was "What about treating a man like a King?" Okay, now society would really categorize me as weird for this backwards train of thought considering the stereotypical thought is that this is all for the women. Pffft!
I guess my beef is....to the person I have a committed relationship with (this includes a coupling relationship, friendship, family-ship, sinking ship, Oops!) I fell in love with you before. I love you today, I love you tomorrow, and as long as we continue interacting in each other's lives I will continue to work on that love until you tell me...well, for lack of a better phrase,...that it needs to die. So to all those whom I care about, no matter the type of relationship, I love you and ...make today a great one. My other personalities and I are going to enjoy each others' company in a warm petal filled bath with a giant cup of coffee to relax. (Sounds kinky, right? and yet only some of you will understand the sarcasm in it) Have a great day!
Saturday, February 13, 2016
The Disability of Humanity
Today I went to one of the local department stores, which I would rather not say even though anyone reading this will figure it out after I describe it a bit further, where there was a greeter with a disability. Now this may seem weird, but I would purposely walk slow in order to watch people in how they would interact with this particular person as it stunned me how much differences affect human behavior. It was rare that anyone would acknowledge this person's presence and honestly, it pained me to be the idiot watching these events take place.
Before I continue a bit further, I am going to state that I am not perfect or even always the nicest person, but humanity has always been a priority of mine. I look at people with the idea that there is more to those people, so I may push for something more from them, that is until their actions tell me I am no longer wanted/needed. I have seen people do great things in life and I will admit I am proud to have been a part of if not contributed towards that.
Focusing back to my intention of this post. My mother, bless her heart (and the rest of her I suppose ;-P), has assisted individuals with disabilities for multiple years, something I will and have admitted I could not do the same way she had for so long, but I appreciate that there are people like her to do this job. It is this idea that makes me think, "If that were me I would be thankful for her [them]." What I have witnessed in my younger years, and even in observation of the aforementioned event, is how "normal" people treat those who are not like them. At this point, I could probably tangent off on the topic of "bullying," but feel the need to stay focused on how you can tell a lot about an individual based upon how they treat others.
I will be forthcoming as I admit that I will, at times, bring a person to my mother's place of work to "test" the individual's reaction. To some, who do not understand, this may seem like a game or a type of mockery, so let me just say that the same is done with exposure to my own family. :-P (P.S. if you met them and understand certain circumstances, you would comprehend why this is an important point). I have seen every reaction from utter disgust to heartfelt welcoming to the people that reside at my mom's place of employment. Anything other than a welcoming demeanor from an individual is then trashed (as in we are done and you need to leave my life). Yes, I said "trashed " because how dare you treat another human being as anything less! A negative response gives the rest of humanity a bad name because of some spoiled ignorant outlook on something distinguished that apparently cannot be comprehended by the simplicity of one's cowardness. I know, very bold of me to make such a statement, but I do not feel it is undeserving in many cases.
So what inspired me to write this rant? It is because of the things I have witnessed and my background in caring for humanity that I make a point to say "hi" to the greeters. Yes, 'greeters', meaning all of them no matter who, what, where, when, why, or how different the person is from me because I always wonder that if they took this position to "make someone's day," why can I not return the favor with a simple greeting? Anyway, after all my shopping was done, I went to the register, checked out my items, and a small voice, that I had never heard before, spoke up saying "Thanks for coming. Have a great night." The voice was not the clearest I had ever heard, but it was enough that I could understand what was being said. I looked up from grabbing my bags and returning the basket I used for shopping to see in front of me the greeter whom many choose to ignore. I thanked the greeter, wishing the same upon the individual, and as I walked away I had to look back and smile with one of those Hallmark tears coming to my eye. I never thought I would hear that person speak, let alone knew this greeter could speak, but for that brief moment while I walked to my car I realized that it is the little things that count in life to the individuals around us considering I did not hear any other salutations made to anyone else after me leaving the registers. This may sound a bit trite, especially after a fairy tale-ish type story, but I look forward to going back to the store to once again say 'hello' to this greeter in hopes that another single occasion can create a moment we can both smile upon.
So what inspired me to write this rant? It is because of the things I have witnessed and my background in caring for humanity that I make a point to say "hi" to the greeters. Yes, 'greeters', meaning all of them no matter who, what, where, when, why, or how different the person is from me because I always wonder that if they took this position to "make someone's day," why can I not return the favor with a simple greeting? Anyway, after all my shopping was done, I went to the register, checked out my items, and a small voice, that I had never heard before, spoke up saying "Thanks for coming. Have a great night." The voice was not the clearest I had ever heard, but it was enough that I could understand what was being said. I looked up from grabbing my bags and returning the basket I used for shopping to see in front of me the greeter whom many choose to ignore. I thanked the greeter, wishing the same upon the individual, and as I walked away I had to look back and smile with one of those Hallmark tears coming to my eye. I never thought I would hear that person speak, let alone knew this greeter could speak, but for that brief moment while I walked to my car I realized that it is the little things that count in life to the individuals around us considering I did not hear any other salutations made to anyone else after me leaving the registers. This may sound a bit trite, especially after a fairy tale-ish type story, but I look forward to going back to the store to once again say 'hello' to this greeter in hopes that another single occasion can create a moment we can both smile upon.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
"Work doesn't define you, _______"
I was recently told this statement within the last week as journey into the break up of one relationship into the establishment of another. This statement range true in my mind and yet it puzzled me on what actually defines me. Hard work? Determination? Strength? Although I have preached many times on strength as it is a term that has taken me far in the last couple years considering how many times I have shoved or smacked down in my own personal life. Getting back up is a struggle...for anyone at times and strength is no longer defined by the physical core of a human. Strength has become the tool of another entity: determination.
Where is this established and how is it made? Struggles, the reactions we choose once we meet the pavement. I see many people these days give up, not only kissing the pavement because they have been knocked down, but then kissing it to establish a relationship where they choose not to get up. They lie there expecting that things will be handed to them not knowing that the hand to help them up can only reach so far in order to not become victim to the pavement also.
I might say that I consider myself lucky some days because I had parents who instilled in me a bit of a fight, one that at one time saved my life. At a young age, I spent a lot of time with my mother and I watched how she raised my siblings and I on what seemed like next to nothing financially, but included things beyond money and material items: the value of a team/family. My father then taught me to challenge things, to question norms, and expect explanations whether logical or not.
What does this have to do with the statement titling this entry? I go to work to my team/family multiple days of the week determined to contribute to the success of the team. What does that mean? In short, I figure out how I can benefit my professional family and leave it in better condition than when I left it. I do this through the drive to provide quality work, to mark off tasks on the team's "checklist", and through helping my professional family members personally and professionally. I am determined to achieve success in many aspects of life, professionally in this case, but I am NOT going to leave anyone behind who presents the willingness of success as well. To me, success does not include one person, but includes many and my success is their success (can we say how trite/cliche that sounds? LOL).
So the state, "Work doesn't define you, _______" was tossed at me because my passion burned a bit deep and I gave too much of myself as I ran into a moment of derailment. Is there such thing as too much determination? Too much fight? Yes, when it takes over who you are to the point that success is just that and lacks in quality. Sometimes it takes a person a bit of a verbal slap to the face to show you that "I understand, but you need to remain true to yourself also." Derailing is how to lose one's self while verbal vomiting is a procedure to fix your your engine. ;)
This statement does not stop here, but allows for provoking thought. So what defines a person? What defines you? What puzzle pieces reflect you? Maybe, what defines us are the things we want in life (beyond material assets, of course). I was not intended to find an answer here or even define one today, but I did want to share in this thought to see what people came up with for themselves. Feel free to share and if not....enjoy!
Where is this established and how is it made? Struggles, the reactions we choose once we meet the pavement. I see many people these days give up, not only kissing the pavement because they have been knocked down, but then kissing it to establish a relationship where they choose not to get up. They lie there expecting that things will be handed to them not knowing that the hand to help them up can only reach so far in order to not become victim to the pavement also.
I might say that I consider myself lucky some days because I had parents who instilled in me a bit of a fight, one that at one time saved my life. At a young age, I spent a lot of time with my mother and I watched how she raised my siblings and I on what seemed like next to nothing financially, but included things beyond money and material items: the value of a team/family. My father then taught me to challenge things, to question norms, and expect explanations whether logical or not.
What does this have to do with the statement titling this entry? I go to work to my team/family multiple days of the week determined to contribute to the success of the team. What does that mean? In short, I figure out how I can benefit my professional family and leave it in better condition than when I left it. I do this through the drive to provide quality work, to mark off tasks on the team's "checklist", and through helping my professional family members personally and professionally. I am determined to achieve success in many aspects of life, professionally in this case, but I am NOT going to leave anyone behind who presents the willingness of success as well. To me, success does not include one person, but includes many and my success is their success (can we say how trite/cliche that sounds? LOL).
So the state, "Work doesn't define you, _______" was tossed at me because my passion burned a bit deep and I gave too much of myself as I ran into a moment of derailment. Is there such thing as too much determination? Too much fight? Yes, when it takes over who you are to the point that success is just that and lacks in quality. Sometimes it takes a person a bit of a verbal slap to the face to show you that "I understand, but you need to remain true to yourself also." Derailing is how to lose one's self while verbal vomiting is a procedure to fix your your engine. ;)
This statement does not stop here, but allows for provoking thought. So what defines a person? What defines you? What puzzle pieces reflect you? Maybe, what defines us are the things we want in life (beyond material assets, of course). I was not intended to find an answer here or even define one today, but I did want to share in this thought to see what people came up with for themselves. Feel free to share and if not....enjoy!
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Those Moments When I Shut Up
Pardon me for sounding like a giddy school grade girl, but I LOVE it when people surprise me (Sorry, guys, I know you-Creepy, right?). I may be working on my graduate degree in English, but that does not necessarily mean I am "good" at talking. However, I am "good" at listening. >:)
For those of you who do not know, when I shut up...that means you are in trouble. Terms such as smartass and sarcastic were used and it was interesting to me to see how individuals discuss these terms with the idea of complete understanding when society dictates the implied meaning. What do I do? Haha (yes, that was an evil laugh). I go home to research the terms considering that IS my field of study (*pretend superhero voice* I feel a sense of responsibility and obligation to my fellow... Oh fuck it!) LOL
Anyway, smartass was defined by the individual to be something condescending or viewed with negative perspective, so being the smartass that I am, I told the individual that I was a sarcastic person. (Did you catch that there?). I have this ringing in my ears every so often as I use the word sarcasm, or any form of it, as I think back to my high school English teacher with his superiority complex, educationing feeble minds in terms such as sarcasm and fudge packer. As much as I disliked the teacher, I will say the individual taught me a few things about English. 1) How dissecting a word will give you insight to its meaning and 2) Where our language comes from or is formed, which is where I first learned the meaning of sarcasm. Before I tangent too far, sarcasm is actually formally defined to be the condescending term while smartass (or smart ass-Might have to change to bilingual mode of using smart arse. :P), is a form of sarcasm.
Hmmmm, what a concept? Per individual perspective and interpretation versus formality, proves that...well, obviously we were not on the same page as far as the conversation is concerned. Yes, I am laughing hysterically at this considering this is why I love language, specifically English. What I think was meant to be defined was the difference between sarcasm and satire. I, personally, use them interchangeably due to society's understanding and interpretation, but in blunt terms...sarcasm is mean and satire is nice in using irony. (Yes, that is a very simple definition).
I may not have proven much, besides I know my terms and how to do research. I admitted I use everyday terminology incorrect to grasp a concept on the correct and incorrect utilization of words by anyone and everyone around me. I sit here with a bit of satisfaction, after my mind was stalemated, thinking that I should shut up more often. Sadly, when I do, people think I am ignorant when really...I am just proving you wrong.
For those of you who do not know, when I shut up...that means you are in trouble. Terms such as smartass and sarcastic were used and it was interesting to me to see how individuals discuss these terms with the idea of complete understanding when society dictates the implied meaning. What do I do? Haha (yes, that was an evil laugh). I go home to research the terms considering that IS my field of study (*pretend superhero voice* I feel a sense of responsibility and obligation to my fellow... Oh fuck it!) LOL
Anyway, smartass was defined by the individual to be something condescending or viewed with negative perspective, so being the smartass that I am, I told the individual that I was a sarcastic person. (Did you catch that there?). I have this ringing in my ears every so often as I use the word sarcasm, or any form of it, as I think back to my high school English teacher with his superiority complex, educationing feeble minds in terms such as sarcasm and fudge packer. As much as I disliked the teacher, I will say the individual taught me a few things about English. 1) How dissecting a word will give you insight to its meaning and 2) Where our language comes from or is formed, which is where I first learned the meaning of sarcasm. Before I tangent too far, sarcasm is actually formally defined to be the condescending term while smartass (or smart ass-Might have to change to bilingual mode of using smart arse. :P), is a form of sarcasm.
Hmmmm, what a concept? Per individual perspective and interpretation versus formality, proves that...well, obviously we were not on the same page as far as the conversation is concerned. Yes, I am laughing hysterically at this considering this is why I love language, specifically English. What I think was meant to be defined was the difference between sarcasm and satire. I, personally, use them interchangeably due to society's understanding and interpretation, but in blunt terms...sarcasm is mean and satire is nice in using irony. (Yes, that is a very simple definition).
I may not have proven much, besides I know my terms and how to do research. I admitted I use everyday terminology incorrect to grasp a concept on the correct and incorrect utilization of words by anyone and everyone around me. I sit here with a bit of satisfaction, after my mind was stalemated, thinking that I should shut up more often. Sadly, when I do, people think I am ignorant when really...I am just proving you wrong.
Friday, January 1, 2016
Making the Most of a New Year: 2016
In the last twenty-four hours millions of people have been rehashing the choices made or the actions taken during the past year or 2015, which is a pretty typical thing to do during the turning of a new year. I, for a good reading laugh, did not, like last year, spend the turning of the new year in the bathroom. (I know, you all smile at that in a 'palm to forehead' moment).
While people reflect back, they begin to make plans on improvements upon how to make the next year better by creating "resolutions". This year I did some reflecting, but with one change of only making one resolution, to not make any resolutions. (Ironic not?) Instead, this coming new year I am going to be pushing for something a bit more. I am going to push for accomplishing goals and ones that can potentially be achievable.
So I have the typical school and work (boy, do I sound like a boring adult), but then there is the goal to improve my health even further than the year before. I may not be getting any younger, even though I am technically not THAT old, but I do not ever want to really feel "old," however that may feel exactly. I want to run further, walk faster, breathe easier, and lift more than I did before. I do not want to become big beefy looking lady, not that it is bad, it is just not what I desire. I am proud that in leaving 2015 I have, however, been able to lift/press/push half my weight with my upper body and arms while going beyond my own weight using my legs. Considering past years I feel this is an accomplishment that can only grow allowing me to, hopefully, this year run a 5K, Mudrun, or some sort of physical test of accomplishment that will allow me to progress to the next level. (Whatever I decide that to be).
Another goal this year is to try new things, one every week if possible. Yes, this is vague and open, but that is done on purpose. I am currently in a new town and still able to explore, so there are restaurants that I have not tried, events I MUST attend, and people I NEED to meet. For instance, if finances allow, I want to go sky-diving. Ok, everyone who shriveled up inside themselves can come out now. I want to fly, to spread my arms and feel the air rush around me and through my hair. I want this feeling of accomplishment as I face a fear proving that some part of me is invincible even if it is just my spirit...as I could break a leg during the course of my landing. The point is, I am not going to sit here and ask the 'what if' questions anymore. Instead of wasting time pondering I plan to make choices. Go left or right? Right. Black or white? White. To wait for an answer or move on? Move on. If I have to waste time pondering, then I really did not want the answer I am pondering over. Sometimes these answers are stronger than us and we need to just accept them and run, run wild and free.
What concerns me at times is when a person says that he/she is making every living minute of his/her life count, but then when you see them later on whether it be a few minutes, hours, months, or years, that person still has not DONE anything of substance. I have, oddly enough, found some of these people sitting on the couch drinking a beer while laughing at some odd thing on TV. I agree on the concept of wanting to make every minute count, but that includes those moments where I STILL need to learn to relax, to not think and just...be. I may not know the 'true meaning of [my] existence' although I would like to explore something more that I have to offer. I want to present something creatively, but while doing my own thing, I also want to explore the ideas and concepts of others. I want to see the world through someone else's eyes and not as a negative form, but with the idea that there are POSSIBILITIES. With this in mind, I want to spend more time helping others. I have, in the past, been a person who seems to be a stepping stone for others to achieve greatness and now I want to be...a bigger stone? I know it sounds a bit silly, although the more I help the stronger I can make the world around me.
Hmm....I seem to have stumbled across something, how strength is a bigger part of me as a person. I do not know how many of you have read past posts, which reflect many different trials and tribulations, which offer much to be viewed on what can define strength.
So what does this year hold for me personally?
-Facing of fears
-A bit of carelessness (within reason I suppose since I am 'a responsible adult')
-To embrace that idea that I did something with my life instead of waste it
With that all said and done, I offer to any of you reading this to join me, even if you are just watching me from the sidelines as I smash into a tree on my sky-diving landing (this would be just my luck). I welcome anyone who, like me, is passionate about wanting the most from live.....and then some. :-D
While people reflect back, they begin to make plans on improvements upon how to make the next year better by creating "resolutions". This year I did some reflecting, but with one change of only making one resolution, to not make any resolutions. (Ironic not?) Instead, this coming new year I am going to be pushing for something a bit more. I am going to push for accomplishing goals and ones that can potentially be achievable.
So I have the typical school and work (boy, do I sound like a boring adult), but then there is the goal to improve my health even further than the year before. I may not be getting any younger, even though I am technically not THAT old, but I do not ever want to really feel "old," however that may feel exactly. I want to run further, walk faster, breathe easier, and lift more than I did before. I do not want to become big beefy looking lady, not that it is bad, it is just not what I desire. I am proud that in leaving 2015 I have, however, been able to lift/press/push half my weight with my upper body and arms while going beyond my own weight using my legs. Considering past years I feel this is an accomplishment that can only grow allowing me to, hopefully, this year run a 5K, Mudrun, or some sort of physical test of accomplishment that will allow me to progress to the next level. (Whatever I decide that to be).
Another goal this year is to try new things, one every week if possible. Yes, this is vague and open, but that is done on purpose. I am currently in a new town and still able to explore, so there are restaurants that I have not tried, events I MUST attend, and people I NEED to meet. For instance, if finances allow, I want to go sky-diving. Ok, everyone who shriveled up inside themselves can come out now. I want to fly, to spread my arms and feel the air rush around me and through my hair. I want this feeling of accomplishment as I face a fear proving that some part of me is invincible even if it is just my spirit...as I could break a leg during the course of my landing. The point is, I am not going to sit here and ask the 'what if' questions anymore. Instead of wasting time pondering I plan to make choices. Go left or right? Right. Black or white? White. To wait for an answer or move on? Move on. If I have to waste time pondering, then I really did not want the answer I am pondering over. Sometimes these answers are stronger than us and we need to just accept them and run, run wild and free.
What concerns me at times is when a person says that he/she is making every living minute of his/her life count, but then when you see them later on whether it be a few minutes, hours, months, or years, that person still has not DONE anything of substance. I have, oddly enough, found some of these people sitting on the couch drinking a beer while laughing at some odd thing on TV. I agree on the concept of wanting to make every minute count, but that includes those moments where I STILL need to learn to relax, to not think and just...be. I may not know the 'true meaning of [my] existence' although I would like to explore something more that I have to offer. I want to present something creatively, but while doing my own thing, I also want to explore the ideas and concepts of others. I want to see the world through someone else's eyes and not as a negative form, but with the idea that there are POSSIBILITIES. With this in mind, I want to spend more time helping others. I have, in the past, been a person who seems to be a stepping stone for others to achieve greatness and now I want to be...a bigger stone? I know it sounds a bit silly, although the more I help the stronger I can make the world around me.
So what does this year hold for me personally?
-Facing of fears
-A bit of carelessness (within reason I suppose since I am 'a responsible adult')
-To embrace that idea that I did something with my life instead of waste it
With that all said and done, I offer to any of you reading this to join me, even if you are just watching me from the sidelines as I smash into a tree on my sky-diving landing (this would be just my luck). I welcome anyone who, like me, is passionate about wanting the most from live.....and then some. :-D
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