While people reflect back, they begin to make plans on improvements upon how to make the next year better by creating "resolutions". This year I did some reflecting, but with one change of only making one resolution, to not make any resolutions. (Ironic not?) Instead, this coming new year I am going to be pushing for something a bit more. I am going to push for accomplishing goals and ones that can potentially be achievable.
So I have the typical school and work (boy, do I sound like a boring adult), but then there is the goal to improve my health even further than the year before. I may not be getting any younger, even though I am technically not THAT old, but I do not ever want to really feel "old," however that may feel exactly. I want to run further, walk faster, breathe easier, and lift more than I did before. I do not want to become big beefy looking lady, not that it is bad, it is just not what I desire. I am proud that in leaving 2015 I have, however, been able to lift/press/push half my weight with my upper body and arms while going beyond my own weight using my legs. Considering past years I feel this is an accomplishment that can only grow allowing me to, hopefully, this year run a 5K, Mudrun, or some sort of physical test of accomplishment that will allow me to progress to the next level. (Whatever I decide that to be).
Another goal this year is to try new things, one every week if possible. Yes, this is vague and open, but that is done on purpose. I am currently in a new town and still able to explore, so there are restaurants that I have not tried, events I MUST attend, and people I NEED to meet. For instance, if finances allow, I want to go sky-diving. Ok, everyone who shriveled up inside themselves can come out now. I want to fly, to spread my arms and feel the air rush around me and through my hair. I want this feeling of accomplishment as I face a fear proving that some part of me is invincible even if it is just my spirit...as I could break a leg during the course of my landing. The point is, I am not going to sit here and ask the 'what if' questions anymore. Instead of wasting time pondering I plan to make choices. Go left or right? Right. Black or white? White. To wait for an answer or move on? Move on. If I have to waste time pondering, then I really did not want the answer I am pondering over. Sometimes these answers are stronger than us and we need to just accept them and run, run wild and free.
What concerns me at times is when a person says that he/she is making every living minute of his/her life count, but then when you see them later on whether it be a few minutes, hours, months, or years, that person still has not DONE anything of substance. I have, oddly enough, found some of these people sitting on the couch drinking a beer while laughing at some odd thing on TV. I agree on the concept of wanting to make every minute count, but that includes those moments where I STILL need to learn to relax, to not think and just...be. I may not know the 'true meaning of [my] existence' although I would like to explore something more that I have to offer. I want to present something creatively, but while doing my own thing, I also want to explore the ideas and concepts of others. I want to see the world through someone else's eyes and not as a negative form, but with the idea that there are POSSIBILITIES. With this in mind, I want to spend more time helping others. I have, in the past, been a person who seems to be a stepping stone for others to achieve greatness and now I want to be...a bigger stone? I know it sounds a bit silly, although the more I help the stronger I can make the world around me.
So what does this year hold for me personally?
-Facing of fears
-A bit of carelessness (within reason I suppose since I am 'a responsible adult')
-To embrace that idea that I did something with my life instead of waste it
With that all said and done, I offer to any of you reading this to join me, even if you are just watching me from the sidelines as I smash into a tree on my sky-diving landing (this would be just my luck). I welcome anyone who, like me, is passionate about wanting the most from live.....and then some. :-D
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