Saturday, July 28, 2012


Today I did some thinking about the people in my life.  This had all started last night when I had a bit of trouble sleeping and when I did finally fall asleep my dreams led to a particular person.  You might ask what was it about this person that let your mind journey so far? One word: ultimatum.

I do not like this word.  What gives you the right to sit and force a choice when there is not enough evidence to make a choice?  I was given one of these lately and due to the circumstances I know which choice this person wants me to choose.  Sadly, since I have to choose and this person is trying to force me to do what that person wants I would rather choose the other.  Yes, I will admit I am a bit rebellious. 

My ultimatum was chosing to be friends with a person or not.  Well, if I am not allowed to choose for myself because you presented the ultimatum then I will choose not to be friends.  I already delt with someone choosing my life for me and that is not right.  It is wrong for one person to have control over someone else.  I thought it was the independent thinking that attracts you to a person not the fact you can control them. 

Let me just say that when it comes to a friendship I do not want to be the one that listens all the time,  I do not want to be the one that is intelectually challenged, and I want to be acknowledged for my value meaning I want you to know the purpose you need for me in your life.  Keep in mind I would expect my friend to want this as well.  My best relationships are the ones where both parties are equal.  After so long I got sick of trying to impress this person or feeling I had to impress that I have given up until something proves otherwise.  I figure if there is some value it will show itself, but things like this cannot be rushed by an ultimatum....childish actually. 

If there is one thing that I have learned it is that things of worth come in their own time.  If you really want it be patient (that means stomp, kick, scream, or pout to waste time) and it will reveal what you need.

1 comment:

  1. Most people who deliver ultimatums are usually not prepared for the result they get.

