Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bathroom talk

I bet you looked at this title and thought, "Ew! Why are we going to talk about this and what are you specifically going to talk about concerning the bathroom?" Well here is the deal, how you handle yourself can say a lot about your personality.  It can tell a person whether your good with money, if your responsible, and potentially how you handle your relationships.

Last night I went into my part time job which just so happens to include cleaning bathrooms.  Nothing ticks me off more than seeing tampons and sanitary napkins not in the  disposal that is provided.  Picture this, a high prestigious student loan center and the ladies cannot simply put something so small and simple into a paper baggy that is located next to them as they are doing their business.  The trash is less than two inches from your arm and you cannot just slip your waste in there? You could actually slip it in there by accident  it is so close to you.

So, I clean the bathrooms using gloves to take care of the trash when I come across a filthy napkin.  I wonder if people actually think about diseases and sanitation when they through these things away.  Do you know what is in your body that may be harmful to someone else? Do you know what could develop if not handled properly?  It makes me mad that someone could be so careless and thoughtless to the rest of the word because they have such a foul habit.  I don't know if any of you out there have heard of  at least wrapping your personal waste because A) no one needs to see what came out of you B) nobody needs your bodily fluids all over the bathroom or potentionally on them period.  It is a public restroom, please be considerate.

So, we have established that at this very clean looking loan center where everyone dresses up in business type suits and clothing that there are those who are fake at work, but are actually dirty.  Think about what this may say about how they work.  Is this person the type who gets their work done on time or are they a slacker in this area of their life as well?  If you can't do something simple how can you do something complicated?  Now what about their relationships?  This place is a  bit of a call center, so do they handle their clients with the same disregard that they give their co-workers?

I know this may seem like a weird entry and some of you may wonder why put it out there.  I'll tell you why, it is something to think about.  How do you want to be portrayed? Do YOUR actions and personality get portrayed as you want them to in everything you do? Or....are you JUST trash?

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