Sunday, October 26, 2014

Embrace the Beauty in Darkness

The last few days I tried to rest my mind, but unfortunately, it is processing difficult problems in many venues of my personal life as well as others leaving me what others may describe as a bit dark.  It is common in society that 'dark' is negatively foreseen to cause damage in the simple comparison that light is assumed to be the reflection of an angel while dark is the reflection of a demon.  However, what if dark was actually beautiful and the ignorance of society was completely overlooking what could be a solution instead of a problem?

With society's stereotypical idea that dark is bad and light is good we seem to forget that without one we do not have the other, that means the two words define each other working hand in hand like any healthy relationship should.  To simplify, it is called balance or sometimes referred to as a theory based on Ying and Yang.  Light cannot exist without dark, but keep in mind that in many myths or legends that dark was created from light, but that is another tangent that is not meant for the analyzation of this blog.  So if one cannot exist without the other, how does that make dark labeled bad when it is actually doing ‘good’ in defining light?

Beyond the definition of the angel on one shoulder and the demon on the other, everyone has a light and dark side to their personality at some point in time, which is part of compatibility with others and our environment.  This can be something we become codependent upon, but what if it is something that we utilize and turn into something good?  For example,  as I write this it is October, which is a month commonly known for Breast Cancer awareness, which to society is bad because it is something that kills, taking some of the most precious people in our lives and trust me, I know this feeling as someone was taken from me due to this illness.  Now think of everything that has birthed from the condition that is labeled bad or even a dark topic to discuss and consider.  Society is trying to find cures for the illness and trying to prevent it from ever developing in the first place, which would mean people would live longer when the realization is that we all die at some point.  Now if someone close to you has passed away from the illness, think about the impact that person had on you to which I am sure most of you cannot tell me there was any darkness associated with this person.  In fact, if the person was anything like the person close to me that passed away from the illness, that person was rather inspiring who empowered those around her/him because of that person’s big heart.  We hear stories of people who have cancer and how they make a difference with their outlook on life, which inspires people around them, so how can something as dark as this disease be completely bad?  I apologize if this is misinterpreted into some morbid psychopathic idea and anyone is offended as this is not my intention.

Subsequently, what are my true thoughts on something being described as dark?  I believe that it is a type of inspiration that gives the ability to see everyday things in our lives through a different perspective allowing us to explore new aspects of life that are meant to teach us something.  With this in mind I think of artists that produce dark form of art in visual forms, literary forms, or even musically.  Considering I spend most of my time in the literary world, I think of how popular the writings of Edgar Allan Poe have become after the man has long since passed away and how misunderstood his darkness was to the world during his time.  Today some consider him a magnificent writer beyond his time even those around him did not understand the beauty in his writings only to deem him as crazy. 

So, when did dark become something negative instead of being used as a tool utilized in the progression of something positive?  Could something dark be the first step on a path to  something great that would change many life-altering things or be an obstacle to challenge and prove our self-worth? How would stories end in ‘happily-ever-after’ if there were no darkness or would the story-line not have anything to aspire to become? 

Why not embrace the power darkness to give you the power to direct you to the light, for is it not in darkness we dream in the night leading us to become something inspiring during the light of day?


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