On June 26, 2015 the Supreme Court declared same-sex marriage legal and what did I do? I watch the media blaze up in controversy over a simple act, questioning motives and questioning what people were ACTUALLY saying when making statements (more like reading between the lines).
I came across religious opinions where a couple was going to divorce if same-sex marriage was allowed or people would kill themselves in protest. Now I have a religious background that I continually question and challenge, but correct me if I am wrong, is not divorce, suicide, or murder frowned upon in most religions? How is this a protest against a sin when you are just going to commit another one? What ever happened to 'two wrongs don't make a right'? I guess I am a little confused at this action as it proves that those performing the protest are no better than those they are protesting against. Well, throw that argument out the window.
Then I questioned the idea of 'separation of church and state,' which was an idea presented long ago by Thomas Jefferson. I guess I find it ironic that some people will justify criticizing bad behavior with rules and specific guidelines, but when those individuals break those same set of rules, the rules do not apply. (Who died and made you king?- Yes, that is sarcasm). When did we become such hypocrites to ourselves and to our neighbors? I thought the United States was formed and with that the idea of freedom. Oh there it is, the inevitable term. Freedom.
When I think of the term freedom I picture myself flying like a bird with nothing holding me back. Should not our country not embrace this thought or theory? Do you not realize that limiting someone else you are in return limiting yourself?
I guess I thought freedom was something that this country could be proud of like a badge of honor instead of a punishment of wearing a dunce cap. Think about it. We can live where we want, pursue whatever career we want, associate with whom we wish, or even stay in bed and eat pizza all day.
For me I wonder if people forgot to view those directly affected by this controversial topic that these are people you are condemning, actual human beings. I do not know about all religions, but from what I learned in my past is to take care of your fellow human no matter the difference because we are all going to be held accountable for our actions in some shape or form; so instead of punishing someone for being different, why not take a moment to embrace why that person is different. Why not embrace the person period?
I will say, however, that I embrace the change that is happening because it gives individuals the opportunity to stand out, to have a voice, or in this case specifically to profess love. My religious background would not stand for that, but then again I am not the most religious person, spiritual maybe. Another person's marriage does not have to affect me or my life negatively unless I chose to let it. I have said it before in this blog and I stand by the sentiment that I am not going to miss getting to know an incredible person based on one small piece of that individual.
We should be proud we can chose our religion. We should be proud to chose our life partners. We should be proud of our freedoms and we should be proud to have the opportunity to care other humanistic rights, our neighbors, or other individuals who may be in need. I know I am proud of these things and proud that I can look past a derogatory judgmental label and see the human being that exists just like me.
(walks away singing 'red and yellow black and white they are precious in his sight. Jesus love the little children of the world)......