Sunday, July 16, 2017

Pondering the Simplicity of Life

I have been pondering a few things this week that I can't seem to wrap my mind around.  I can't find the logic of why people would do what they do and soon, to me, it just falls under the category of simple stupidity.

I know life is hard, but there are some things bout it that are simple.

Quality vs. Quantity

Always choose quality.  It's that simple.  Quality will generally outlive quantity.  When you buy products at the store, investing a bit more soon becomes cheaper on a prorated basis versus the cheap product now.  Think about it.  The same theory applies with people.  If you just want someone there because it's a body, well that is your prerogative, but if you want something that will last, I strongly you suggest you avoid the "available now" person.  By picking cheap (products or people) what does this say about you as a person?  What do you truly value?

You want something, go after it and work for it.

I have had three people tell me this week how they want something and then tell me how they ruined it.  Sorry folks, things take time and 'Rome wasn't built in a day."  Now unless you are some magician, grow magical beans, or have some odd superpower, things take time.  Your saving for that ONE thing you have always wanted, learning something new, or even relationships of any form.  Think of it like a bank versus a piggy bank: which one gains interest? #smh Oh yeah! The one that TAKES TIME!

I'll add personal experience here.  I want to eventually publish a book (content withheld).  I also want the credibility since many books that are written these days suck!  (Yes, I boldly said it.  Just because you can write/type, doesn't make you a good writer-I have already analyzed this against myself thank you very much!).  Not the point.  I want more, I want to be better, and I will forever encourage that in anyone else.  So someday, I will write a book and with my won't be a best seller til I'm dead. Ha!

Moving along...

If you value something/someone, invest in it.

(Throws hands up in the air.) Again!  Does that not sound simple?  I value my health, so I invest by taking care of my body and going to the proper check-ups.  I value my friends and family, so even though work and school consume me, I take the time to be with those people.  Again! The bank metaphor: if you take it out too soon, you lose interest.  If you don't invest the time, you lose the person. If you don't invest in your health...well you spend an increasingly amount of money  solving other issues that may have been prevented HAD YOU INVESTED in the first place. 

Do I sound preachy yet?   GOOD!

If you feel awful, listen to your body.

Here is a magnificent thought, that I oddly ponder a lot.  People look at their bodies as a single entity.  Let's go back a few....years, for me, to middle/high school.  Your body is made up of many living organisms.  Let me repeat, your body is made up of many living organisms.  I can only imagine how many times I piss off one set of organisms only to make the others happy. (Anyone picturing a weird comic strip yet of bodily cells yelling at each other? No? Ok, I'm just odd then.)  I am amazed at how often I have to please each piece of me in order for me to be happy as a whole.  Now although this is a great thought, my point is to listen to your body.  If it is sore, take care of it.  If it is sick, take care of it.  Nothing is worse than neglecting yourself or sacrificing yourself for something that is only going to have negative affects on you.  

If you can't make a decision, choose the first thing that comes to your mind.

I use this method often.  You see, I have this problem where my heart and my mind fight...A LOT! Logically I know the answer and then  my heart whines in:

 "Oh please pick the other one.  you never know what could happen."
"You want to know what is going to happen?  I'll tell you what will happen.  Based on pattern and behavior, what you want will not happen."
"Well, aren't you a pessimist.  You always kill any of my hope."
"I am not a pessimist.  I am a realist and you have fake hope because you know the truth."

I'll admit, that is a real conversation my head and heart have had.  I try to choose my head more often than not.  My heart is blind, while my mind actually considers a situation from all angles before making a foolish mistake.  My head is generally applies the first thought.  It helps me determine how much I truly want something or value which you put in the time and effort, etc.

I guess this finally came full circle.  See how simple life can be?  Why waste time when you can put it towards something more beneficial.  For the record, I recently did and I am happier for it.

Thanks for pondering with me.:)

Friday, July 7, 2017

I'm Still That Girl

I'm still that girl.

I'm still that girl that wasn't pretty enough for you to date.  I wasn't popular enough for you to leech from, but I tore you off and walked on.  

I'm still that girl, part of the black sheep herd the shepherd separates from the desired.  I'm different and that scared you.  It scared you to know I don't follow your path.  It scared you that I didn't follow traditional rules.  It terrified you when you thought I would leave and yet you are the one who walked away from me.  I scared you because you couldn't help me, couldn't support me, you didn't understand me, but you didn't try.  Different is scary and I SCARED YOU.  

I'm still the girl who looks in the mirror and sees how others defined her at a young age.  Words are hard, but labels are harder.  Everything asymmetrical, largely proportioned, enough to make you nauseous.  

I'm still that girl who hid in the corner and allowed you to take my life.  She now dwells in a box, never to emerge unless hope resides at the bottom.

I'm still that girl, the one who will make you define what you mean not what you say.  

I am the girl who reveals the truth in the story you hide thinking you could escape the consequences.  

I am the girl that is the result of your consequences redefining worth; yours...or mine?  I am the girl that walks away.  I never look back, but I remember.  

I'm the girl that's going to hold you accountable but won't say a word because you told me not to.

I'm still the girl that may not be worth it to you, but even worse, may at times not even to me.