Dear Toxic Person in My Life,
Since you entered my life, you grumble and complain how life does not meet your standards, yet you do not contain the knowledge to change the situation, which ultimately invalidates your view to be a progressive thought.
You walk into a new situation judging the circumstances and the people involved before you completely understand the situation and your resolution to improvement is making others feel inferior to your two-sided, black and white way of thinking when you cannot comprehend simple tasks that take you hours to complete.
Do not stroll in with your tardiness instigating arguments with people whom you have stated "don't know what they're doing" when you do not even have the mere intelligence to understand time as you lazily proclaim that cutting corners in your responsibilities is more efficient than actually providing quality work.
Stop debating nonsense! I do not care that your parents paid for everything in your privileged life. It means you have never EARNED anything nor do you DESERVE anything. It does not make you appear more knowledgeable, but proves your inaccuracy in your misguided tunnel vision that, again, demonstrates a misconception of the "big picture."
Finally, stop complaining about prolonged negativity when it is you who breeds this wildfire. Your closed off body language indicates you are not here for a team effort, your argumentative nature the moment you walk in the door creates hostility, and your bad mouthing of people you do not know...DOES NOT MAKE FRIENDS!
DO NOT complain to me "No one likes me" when YOU TREAT THEM LIKE SHIT!
DO NOT complain to me about negative people when YOU have yet to contribute anything positive.
DO NOT come to me for assistance when YOU do not respect my answer.
And DO NOT breed your disgusting BULLSHIT into the air I breathe for I will show you how awful you are, how inadequate and incompetent of a contradiction you are, and finally...I will show you the door because you are of no help to a quality environment and your poisons need to die, for if you do not like something, change it, but you do not have to be an inhumane conniving manipulative person to do so. That is toxic and passively-aggressively abusive.
Be gone. Fair well. (obscene gesture)
P. S. Thank you for leaving.